PixelCast 55 – Pixel Effect

PixelCast show

Summary: A lot of not-things are not-discussed this episode, least among them a slew of-not negatives. The crew even found some time to not-play some not-games (what, Heavy Rain you say? How very not-witty of you!) since the previous show. They talk about them too, clever chaps that they are. Tim is back at the helm for number fifty-five, and it only takes moments for him to start some rather freakish speculation about absent panellists. This is made pretty clear as stalwarts Ken and Dylan are there to point it out. Big games get talked about this week and, boy, you should have seen the look on Tim's face when he realised that Mass Effect 2, and not Journey, really had to be the banner title. It was like Photoshop was stabbing him in the face. Fortunately for his sanity, he did get a good amount of spooging into the show, especially with regard to the game's unique approach to player connectedness, which happened to lead quite smoothly into the back-end topic. ____________________________________________________ You can listen and download the podcast directly (.mp3 file) through the player below, but please also subscribe to the Cast on iTunes! That way, you will automatically download new episodes as soon as they’re live on the site. 0:00:00 – Intro 0:03:04 – I Am Alive, Journey, and Mass Effect 3 0:27:58 – Music – Positive Force (by SoulEye) 0:30:47 – not-Multiplayer 0:52:50 – Wrap up Theme Music: Visitors from Dreams (by Mathieu Stempell Dma-Sc) Tim in a good mood because of Journey. Aww. Helpful Links: Mass Effect fans are entitled pricks VVVVVV? PPPPPP!