Dork De Jour show

Summary: Call the Dorkline: 206-339-4753 Download the Show Here NEWS LEFT BEHIND: THE GAME Dog the Bounty Hunter arrested for kidnapping… Are Mullets legal in Mexican prisons? Madrid’s biggest fashion show bans too skinny models This Christmas, we all go WIIIIII http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/285027_nintendo14.html MOVIES BORAT causes international incident with Khazakstan. Wait, Khazakstan is a real place is MGM really gonna make THE HOBBIT? Peter Jackson to film THE LOVELY BONES in Megan’s old stomping grounds? Movie about the assassination of http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117949855?categoryid=1043&cs=1 causes a stir in Toronto TV So, Nip/Tuck is 2 weeks in, Survivor and the Wire Started, Big Brother and Rock Star Ended…what do we think? STUPID GIRL OF THE WEEK Whitney, while finally making a move that WASN’T stupid, we just can not, in good consience pass this up. What the FUCK took so long, you stupid crackhead?