Various Guests - Hour 1 - 2012 Olympics Special

Red Ice Radio show

Summary: Don’t miss this two part special program on the 2012 Olympics, featuring interviews with William Henry, Stewart Swerdlow, Bob Schlenker, Chad Stuemke and excerpts from interviews with initiators of this material: Rik Clay, Ian Crane and David Icke. In this two and a half hour audio montage we’ll cover symbolism, synchronicities and oddities to possible false flag terrorism and militarization of the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Many are anticipating a false flag event to take place. Some claim it's an opportunity to witness a "cosmic communication" on a grand scale, specifically during the opening ceremony. Others claim that the Olympics will play host to a staged alien invasion or possibly open the doors to disclosure. Meanwhile, some believe this is a major occult ritual designed to divert both energy and attention. Let the games begin!