Ames Holbrook is The Deporter

Active Christian Media show

Summary: Former U.S. deportation agent Holbrook describes his job (a combination of policeman, lawyer and diplomat) in this unsettling memoir. Among its revelations is that America routinely releases illegal aliens who have committed crimes in the U.S. when the criminal fails to confirm his nationality with an official document and foreign consuls won't cooperate. (Cuba, Vietnam and Laos refuse to accept criminal deportees, while China, India, Egypt, all former U.S.S.R. nations and many others simply stall or insist there's no evidence for that person's citizenship.) Holbrook also reveals tricks he invented to deport the worst offenders that would have gotten him fired if discovered. For example, countries show less reluctance with lesser criminals, so in the case of a convicted murderer who also trespassed, he might only mention the trespass. Holbrook stresses that Bush administration officials could force nations to take back their murderers, rapists, thieves or child abusers, but choose not to nor does the government prevent them from being released back into American communities after they have served their prison time or a portion of it, but deportation has been thwarted. This engrossing but disturbing book may impel some readers to action. (Oct. 4) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.