#15 - Roger and Angi Courville

God's Mac show

Summary: TECHNOLOGY - Notes available starting with this episode! - Interact through the week by joining our Google Group - also accessible from our website. - Podlinez.net - Listen to our most recent episode via telephone - (818) 688-2730 is our number. - Adobe Photoshop CS3 Beta available 12/15/06 - definite download for Intel Mac users. - Adobe Kuler - real-time color theme generator. - Snow Globe - available by clicking the Gift 4 You icon on our website. - Music is "Your Love Never Changes" on the Fly Away album by Paul Wright. Available on iTunes. Check out Paul's website! MEETS - Roger and Angi Courville - If God could save that train wreck then maybe there’s hope for me. That's how many see the testimony of Roger and Angi. God doesn't give up on us no matter where we are. Be sure to visit their website and let them know how they have encouraged you personally. - You are not alone in whatever it is you are going through, and they would love to hear from you! If you know of someone who is going through a time with drugs, thoughts of divorce, an abortion or an affair, please pass any of these websites along to them! ETERNITY - Rocky interview - Visit the Rocky Resources website for great promotional material for the movie and more audio clips from Sylvester Stallone. - We want to thank Motive Marketing for allow us to share pieces of the Rocky Balboa interview with you and for providing suc great promotional material- Visit the official website for the Rock Balboa movie - in theaters across the nation on 12/22/06. - 2 Timothy 4:7 - Poetry and Paper (Eye of the Tiger) CLOSING - Prayer Requests - Praise for Martha our Switchin' Granny Geek - brain surgery for trigeminal neuralgia. It was a success and the doctors also ended up curing a mass of arteries and veins (called an AVM) through another surgical procedure. Continue to pray for Martha for sure! - Contact us on the web at www.godsmac.com , by sending an email to gabe@godsmac.com