Dork De Jour show

Summary: Dork De Jour 27: Clooney to Foley…what a ride! Call the Dorkline 206-339-4753! Email us! Dorkdejour@gmail.com! DIRECT DOWNLOAD News: George Clooney reveals master plan to stop Paparazzi: Date Leo DiCaprio “Jackbutt 2” opens in Iowa! When bitches collide: Shanna Moakler-DeLaHoya-Barker punches Paris Hilton in the face Jean Paul Gaultier responds to the size 0 model controversy by using size 20’s new celebrity sex tape: Screech from SAVED BY THE BELL: EWWW! MAKE JOE REVIEW IT: This week: EVANESCENSE’s THE OPEN DOOR AMAZON LINK: FOOTBALL: Did TO try to kill him self? Will it matter when he returns to Philly this Sunday? MOVIES: Whedon confirms what we all figured, no SERENITY 2. Downey Jr, to play IRON MAN! Theyre really remaking REVENGE OF THE NERDS? and CHIPS? No way! TV: LOST Debuted… WE HAVE AN EXCLUSIVE JERICHO is getting Better, RUNWAY is ending, and… Im gonna give HEROES a couple weeks because of the writer: Stupid girl of the week: Cmon, you thought we were gonna let Foley get off without a comment?