Dork De Jour 31: Rant o Rama

Dork De Jour show

Summary: CALL * 206-339-4753 * THE DORKLINE Direct Download NEWS: *Is this proof that Linsday Lohan is on METH? *Neil Patrick Harris comes out! What other celebrities do we think should just get it over with? We all saw BORAT!!! Reviews, thoughts *FOX doesn’t think all us hillbillies in middle America can “get” BORAT *On the other hand, Universal thinks the followup to Borat is worth a boatload of money: MOVIES: *HALO gets scuttled! *Spider Man 3 news/rumor: BRUUUUUUCE! *28 WEEKS LATER raw footage: TV: *ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT creator gets new show! *Bob Barker is gonna quit THE PRICE IS RIGHT! *HEROES, LOST, BSG, ETC….. *LOST theory that lets Derek say big words: STUPID GIRL OF THE WEEK *Marcia Cross of desperate housewives…You had a bunch of nudie pics of yourself, cool, but how fucking retarded are you to THROW THEM IN THE TRASH…hello! STUPID!