Video #0002 – The Sushi Experiment 1.0: Inari Sushi

Otaku no Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to our first ever videocast.  Okay, technically this is our second videocast, but since the first one was an Anime LA highlights video I put together over 9000 years ago, it doesn't really count.  In this first videocast, we take a brief journey away from anime, and into the kitchen, and I teach you how to make Inari Sushi, a tasty treat perfect for munching on during anime watching parties.  (I mentioned this in Anime on the Cheap part 1)  And no raw fish is involved! This is really an experiment for me.  I won't do these videocasts very often - maybe one every few months at best - so don't worry, your bandwidth won't be choked up with huge downloads every week. Products mentioned in the video: [amtap amazon:asin=B000216TKC] [amtap amazon:asin=B000BPNATM] [amtap amazon:asin=B000FJLXHU] [amtap amazon:asin=B000EGZ97Y] [amtap amazon:asin=B00013YMVO] [amtap amazon:asin=B00007J5U7] [amtap amazon:isbn=0764544659]