Loups=Garous (Movie)

Anime.SrPodcast show

Summary: Loups=Garous is up on the chopping block this week. A short movie hour thirty movie, will this one provide the bang of the buck of an anime movie? Or will it flop along side so many others. Listen to find out! ANN Link: Loups=Garous (Movie) ——————————————————————— Carter: Thumbs Up Matt: Thumbs Down ——————————————————————— Where can I buy it? (Bluray Prices) Amazon.com - $24.43 Rightstuf.com - $29.99 ——————————————————————— Got a question? comment? rude insult? Feel free to get in touch with us by e-mailing us at mailbag@srpodcast.com or at our twitter account: @teamsrpodcast