How To Win At Weight Loss - Jun 13,2012

Weight Loss Guru Radio | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Weight loss for many is a like the game of Snakes and Ladders. The game starts on the board and you know where the end is, but there are many different routes you can take and an infinite number of outcomes. The reality is that you never win this game in terms of losing weight and keeping it off and you continue on the yo yo of diets and dieting. The dieting industry in the United States is worth approx $46 billion a year; in Europe it is worth approx €93 billion. Clearly, our appetite for losing weight is not matched by our capacity to actually shed fat. Relating to these crash diets, the most up to date report in the 2007 UCLA review concluded: “We found that the majority of people who followed crash diets regained all the weight, plus more. … Most of them would have been better off not going on the diet at all.” In the show Pete will help you understand why dieting does not work in the long terms and the fundamentals that need to be in place to guarantee success. In the show Pete will discuss how ; Stop dieting for ever To be an intuitive eater To trust our bodies To take better control Have a better relationship with food