Winning The War On Weight Loss With Lincoln Bryden - Jul 18,2012

Weight Loss Guru Radio | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: I am delighted to welcome to Weight Loss Guru Radio Lincoln Bryden. Tonight show is called "Winning The War On Weight Loss " Lincoln has been a fitness instructor, personal trainer, and aerobics instructor who has taught at fitness conferences around the world for over 20 years. He has literally trained, educated and motivated tens of thousands of individuals. What may surprise you that throughout this time Lincoln has had a continuing battle with the bulge as he kept to the ‘eat less' exercise more mantra. Through self discovery and some chance meetings Lincoln has finally adapted his research, and developed a more holistic approach to fat loss. In this interview Lincoln explains his personal fat loss struggles, why they happened plus the main factors that prevented him succeeding. He then reveals how he managed to turn this around to identify crucial steps that anyone can adopt to make fat loss more realistic. Finally he will reveal some actionable steps that anyone can take away and put into practice sand win the war on weight loss.