PipemanRadio Interviews Tess & The Details

Pipeman in the Pit show

Summary: In this episode of The Adventures of Pipeman, Pipeman intervies San Francisco punk rock band <b>Tess &amp; The Details’ about their </b>upcoming album <b><i>Runaway</i></b>, out <b>November 14th</b> <i>via</i> <b>Double Helix Records. </b> <br><br>The San Francisco punk record kicks off with the anthemic “<b>Blondie’s Gonna Die</b>,” in which buzzsaw guitars catapult the listener into the world of <b>Tess &amp; The Details</b>. Tess sings with a self-assured forcefulness, “<i>When they told me I was crazy / I should've listened / I could have just laid down / Oh the white coats are a comin’ / in straight jackets they’ll be running / all through this damn ghost town…</i>” There's an air of anti-establishment throughout the album, as <b>“Blondie’s Gonna Die</b>” is followed by <b>“Canary,</b>” and then <b>“Runaway,” </b>the album’s title track. “<b>Runaway</b>” evokes familiar bands such as <b>Green Day </b>and<b> No Doubt, </b>showcasing Tess’s powerful voice as she belts the rousing chant. <br><b></b><br><b>There is a “runaway” record release show at bottom of the hill in San Francisco, CA on 12.15.23</b> <br><br>“There are a lot of character-driven songs where we took some of our experiences and filtered them through characters, like ‘<b>Saint of Purgatory</b>’ and ‘<b>Johnny</b>’,” Tess describes. “We wanted to tell stories that could feel familiar to everyone, but through a witty and dark lyrical lens - like the catchy and melodically light take on mental torture in ‘<b>Mania</b>.’” <b><i>Runaway</i></b> is full of contradictions, reflecting that humanity also embodies such dualities. <br><br><a href="http://ec2-100-20-220-134.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=37079616&amp;l=af6e49d8-1f57-4e9d-8403-f130bc3124ab&amp;r=67b9b6ef-9e9f-435b-80c2-7763404b3be1" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Punksite</a> said, “<b><i>Runaway</i></b><i> is a smorgasbord of punk rock, <b>Tess &amp; The Details</b> have carefully selected the best elements from the last few decades and served it up with their own distinct twist. It must be said that <b>Tess Stevens</b> vocals are sublime, for me they are up there with <b>Millie Manders</b> (</i><a href="http://ec2-100-20-220-134.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=37079616&amp;l=88f1b134-fd65-4c47-a261-8d66ff8a90be&amp;r=67b9b6ef-9e9f-435b-80c2-7763404b3be1" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b><i>Millie Manders &amp; The Shut Up</i></b></a><i>) and <b>Hanne Terweduwe</b> (</i><a href="http://ec2-100-20-220-134.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=37079616&amp;l=ca4ce63a-2e7f-434f-b62c-16e241adb4b0&amp;r=67b9b6ef-9e9f-435b-80c2-7763404b3be1" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b><i>For I Am</i></b></a><i>), and if you’re a fan of either of those two bands then just order this, in fact just order it anyway. </i><i><b>Tess &amp; The Details' debut</b> album is a thing of beauty, whilst the vocals are the obvious draw. I'm not casting any shade on <b>The Details</b>, as their soundtrack provides the muscle on what is one of the best debut albums you’ll hear this year.” </i> <br><b></b><br><b>Tess &amp; the Details </b>is: <b>Tess Stevens</b> (<i>lead vocals/ rhythm guitar</i>), <b>Gideon Berger </b>(<i>drums</i>), <b>Dustin Galecki </b>(<i>lead guitar</i>), and <b>Lawrence Hood </b>(<i>bass</i>). <b><i>Runaway</i></b> was recorded by <b>Tess Stevens, Jacob Light,</b> and <b>Gideon Berger</b>.<br><br>Pipeman in the Pit is a music and interview segment of The Adventures of Pipeman Radio Show (#pipemanradio) and from The King of All Festivals while on The Pipeman Radio Tour. <br><br>Pipeman in the Pit features all kinds of music and interviews with bands &amp; music artists especially in the genres of Heavy Metal, Rock, Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Punk Rock, Goth, Industrial, Alternative, Thrash Metal &amp; Indie Music. Pipeman in the Pit also features press coverage of events, concerts, &amp; music festivals. Pipeman Productions is an artist...