PipemanRadio Interviews The Risen Dread

Pipeman in the Pit show

Summary: Join PipemanRadio as we jam out with the talented left-handed guitarist from The Risen Dread, who reminisces about his first strum on the guitar at a family gathering and the peculiar hurdles lefty musicians like him and even I have to leap over. From the scarcity of instruments tailored for the left-handed to the comical safeguard of their gear from right-handed bandmates, we explore the world from a lefty's perspective, sharing a laugh over the simple oddities like using scissors and the legendary status of southpaws like Jimi Hendrix in the music industry.<br><br>Tune in for a backstage pass into the life of touring musicians as we discuss The Risen Dread's latest moves, including the introduction of a new drummer that's stirring up the band's dynamic and our recording plans in Germany. The conversation takes you on the road, revealing the nitty-gritty of tour life, from managing financial expectations to the bonding chemistry that fuels a band's success. Plus, we shine a spotlight on the strategies that keep our music echoing across streaming platforms and get fans pumped for the electrifying energy we're set to unleash in live shows throughout the year.<br><br>--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------<br>(0:00:04) - Pipeman and The Risen Dread's Adventures<br>(0:09:43) - Band Announcement and Tour Updates<br>(0:16:50) - Music Promotion and Tour Plans<br><br>--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS WITH SHORT KEY POINTS ---------<br><br>(0:00:04) - Pipeman and The Risen Dread's Adventures<br>Left-handed guitarist shares challenges and perks, iconic lefty musicians, and daily life impacts of being left-handed.<br><br>(0:09:43) - Band Announcement and Tour Updates<br>Band's resurgence with new drummer, recording in Germany, touring challenges, chemistry, and passion for music industry.<br><br>(0:16:50) - Music Promotion and Tour Plans<br>Band's sonic journey, upcoming tours, new tracks, live performances, latest song, creative contributions, anticipation for tours.<br><br>--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS WITH FULL SUMMARIES ---------<br><br>(0:00:04) - Pipeman and The Risen Dread's Adventures (10 Minutes)<br><br>This chapter kicks off with the introduction of our guest, the left-handed guitarist from The Risen Dread, who shares the story of his first encounter with a guitar at a family gathering. I explore the unique challenges that left-handed musicians face, from limited instrument options to higher costs, drawing on my own experiences as a lefty. We touch on iconic left-handed guitarists like Jimi Hendrix and discuss how being left-handed impacts daily life, from using scissors to sitting at school desks. The guest also highlights a humorous upside to being a left-handed guitarist—keeping his guitars safe from right-handed players.<br><br>(0:09:43) - Band Announcement and Tour Updates (7 Minutes)<br><br>This chapter captures the excitement of a band's resurgence with a new drummer and the anticipation of a different sound for the upcoming year. We reveal our plans for recording a new album in Germany after the summer and discuss the realities of touring, including the challenges of lineup changes and the misconception that touring is a path to instant wealth and fame. We emphasize the importance of finding the right fit for the band, managing expectations about the financial aspects of touring, and the significance of band chemistry. We also share personal anecdotes from the road, highlighting the physical and mental demands of touring, such as the exhaustion that comes with long drives between venues and the importance of staying energized for performances. Overall, we underscore the commitment and passion required to succeed in the music industry while maintaining the joy of playing together.<br><br>(0:16:50) - Music Promotion and Tour Plans (1 Minutes)<br><br>This chapter, we celebrate the sonic journey of a band that's been saturating streaming platforms with their music. I...