"Squishy pants are NOT good!" LADIES! We have the newest thing you didn't know you needed!!

Johnny Dare Morning Show show

Summary: Just when we thought we knew it all and were familiar with all of the products on the market for pre-sex, during sex, and post-sex, along comes out new friend Frances Tang and her revolutionary new item, The Drip Stick!! Yup…is a medical grade sponge designed to help ladies clean up those post-coital emissions that linger long after  the thrill over! https://awkwardessentials.com/products/dripstick?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=18080744282&utm_content=140988706315&utm_term=awkward+essentials&gadid=616953108409&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4OybBhCzARIsAIcfn9mIau43_5uL1Vrz3h6dU-Lkq7hVp9Cr0B92Vxn_UOVps6dWel5gXPEaAh7HEALw_wcB&selling_plan=3538387095