Hope For The Holidays: The Peak Family 12/06/2022 LISTEN HERE!!

Johnny Dare Morning Show show

Summary: Dear Johnny, My name is Adam and my wife is Tonya, and I’m writing because this year has been tough for us. We have a 1 year old daughter that we just brought home from Children’s Mercy Hospital last week. We live in Maryville and we have made lots of trips to Children’s Mercy this year. My daughter’s name is Hexley and she was diagnosed with Hypo-plastic-Left Heart Syndrome at 21 weeks in utero. We have been in and out of the hospital for the past year. She had surgery last November at just 8 days old and a second surgery in May of this year. I have missed quite a bit of work and with everything that has gone on money has been tight. We have fallen behind on bills and are just trying to catch up. Our little girl has a long road ahead of her and we want her to have a special Christmas since this will be her first Christmas home and with family. Thank you for taking the time to read our letter. I appreciate it. Adam Peak Who Helped: Sabrina, Joel, Steve, Dawn, David How You Helped: 2 months rent, caught up on car payment and electric bills