thebuzzr pod  show

Summary: Hey, y’all. I am Shay. This is thebuzzr podcast. On air indie, from my pad to yours over the airways.<br> <br> Join me with Joshua Bartholemew and Lisa Harriton on Monday’s show. I chat with the LA based duo about their current music, spinning recent releases. Lisa is American, Joshua is Canadian. ‘I LOVE DANGER’ came out July 1st on CANADA DAY!<br> <br> Joshua was inducted to the Petawawa Hall Of Fame in Canada at the end of June.<br> littleDNGR is a musical duo consisting of Grammy and Oscar nominated songwriters, Joshua Bartholomew and Lisa Harriton. Equal parts brooding and epic, this musical love-affair lives in a world of cinematic soundscapes, anthemic choruses, big riffs and electro-beats. We call it cinema grunge-pop.<br> <br> Tracks: 'Brand New World' (before show) &amp; 'I LOVE DANGER’ during our chat.<br> <br> Thank you for tuning in. Cheers!<br> <br> Shay<br> From the Artists<br> littleDNGR is a musical duo consisting of Grammy and Oscar nominated songwriters, Joshua Bartholomew and Lisa Harriton. Equal parts brooding and epic, this musical love-affair lives in a world of cinematic soundscapes, anthemic choruses, big riffs and electro-beats. We call it cinema grunge-pop.<br> <br> "i love DANGER" is one of the first songs we wrote for littleDNGR and it all came together in less than an hour. The lyrics, the basic production, everything. Like it was just waiting for us to acknowledge it and bring it to life.<br> <br> This band was born as a response to us feeling a little burnt out from writing and producing music for, what felt like, everybody but ourselves. We felt a little bit crazy cause things were going very well, but we knew we needed to do something dangerous. We needed to bet on the house, even if it meant the house could come crashing down. So we channeled all of our creative frustration into this "Bonnie &amp; Clyde" kind of love song. When we wrote "trade the cross for a sword" that was about us taking ownership of our creativity and hanging on to each other as we jump off the proverbial cliff.<br> <br> We had planned for "i love DNGR" to be our first release, then the pandemic hit and the energy of this song didn't feel right for the times. We released "Brand New World" in July 2020, but it was such a frustrating process. We couldn't really leave the house to support the release, live shows were impossible. As the lockdowns continued and the future became increasingly uncertain, we decided to focus on writing and recording more material until it felt right to start releasing music again. Here we are, two whole years later and we are so stoked to finally share what we've been working on. We've got a ton of new music that we plan to release over the coming months and "i love DANGER" is just the beginning.<br> <br> <br> Facebook<br> <br> <br> Twitter<br> <br> <br> Instagram<br> <br> <br> External-link-alt