Season 2 Episode 24 - Ditch Rich

Van Hemmo & The Babbling Bell Brothers  show

Summary: <p>To all you podfans who were expecting another fantastic halloween special from the creators of VHBBB halloween 2020 podcast spooktacular... we have something even scarier for you this week, No <strong>Rich!</strong> That's right, another Bell bites the dust and leaves hosts <strong>Hemmo and LB </strong>to run the show. That's as scary as it gets though, just your usual chit chat and solo brother babbling. Listen closely to hear us talking: <em>turfed out, gassed out, telly treat, hotelly no no, spotifyhide n seek, the ol'old movie, bangin bhaji, awesome accompaniments, aftershave afterthoughts, deal or meal deals, VKurry, missed swears and wardrobe rooms.</em></p> <p><em>Tune in weekly!</em></p> <p></p>