Ep. 109 - Input, Output, and Silence

How to Glow: The Jewish Woman's Marriage Boost show

Summary: <p>This could be the most important episode you listen to.</p> <p>I’m sharing this week my journey, and that of my client, as we create more space for integration in a world that is so full of content.</p> <p>It wasn’t easy or comfortable.</p> <p>It was more profound and rewarding than either of us could have imagined.</p> <p>---</p> <p>Book recommendation: <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Digital-Minimalism-Choosing-Focused-Noisy-ebook/dp/B07DBRBP7G/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&amp;keywords=digital+minimalism&amp;qid=1617698479&amp;sr=8-4"><u>Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport</u></a></p> <p>Homework: Create space for integration by choosing one task (ie laundry, dishes, driving to work) that you will do with no audio input. Allow your brain to come up with what you’ll be thinking about.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Once you’ve listened, I’d love you to join the conversation. You can do that by emailing me at kayla @ firstyearmarried.com or going to <a href="https://anchor.fm/firstyearmarried"><u>https://anchor.fm/firstyearmarried</u></a> to leave an audio note (click on where it says “message”--please keep audio notes under 1 minute so we can include them in a future episode!)</p> <p>I look forward to hearing from you!</p> <p>To make sure you are on the wait list for my next Mastermind group, go to <a href="https://firstyearmarried.com/coaching"><u>firstyearmarried.com/coaching</u></a></p>