EP 31 What is Your Super Power? You are Wonder Woman! Fully Equipped with Who God Has Called You to Be! Walking in Your Purpose for your Family Super Mom!

Wholly Made Life™- ReClaim your Whole Life, Tap into God-Sized Fulfillment for the Success Driven Woman, Mama, Wife, Sister show

Summary: EP 31 What is Your Super Power? You are Wonder Woman! Fully Equipped with Who God Has Called You to Be! Walking in Your Purpose for your Family Super Mom Listen, SIS, you are stronger than you. Believe you have greater powers than, you know, because no matter how small, an act of kindness or generosity or simple positivity you put out into the world, it will make a difference. Do you guys know what that's from? We're going to find out in this episode! Welcome back friends to this episode of Wholly Made Life. So I want to start today and talk about your super powers and yes, you have super powers and they are given to you by God Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast IG: @angietoninirogers Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment Angie’s Coaching Menu: Email me at angie@whollymadelife.com  So when I'm talking throughout this episode, I want you to know that. Obviously I want to acknowledge that your superpowers are given to you directly by God. So I wanted to talk today about wonder woman, have you guys seen this movie? I tell you what, it's one of the best movies I cry and cry and cry every time I watch it. It's just amazing. But let's talk a little bit about who wonder woman is. So according to vocabulary.com wonder woman is a noun. It's a woman who can be successful at being a wife and also have a professional career at the same time. Hmm. How many of us does that sound like? I just defined every single person listening to this podcast. Sister, you are a wonder woman. You are the wonder woman. So I want you to think the episode where, not the episode, the part of the movie, if you guys have seen it think about the part of the movie where they are in this bunker. And these guys have been stuck in this bunker for so long. They've not been able to progress forward to take over the area that they have been trying to take over. So she decides that because the choice was to go on and continue on their journey, her and her group, and let these men die in this bunker because they'd been there forever and they couldn't progress forward and they were going to die. They couldn't retreat and they couldn't go forward. They were just going to die. She decides instead to sacrifice herself and put others first. So she jumps out of the bunker. She starts taking these bullets so that others can go ahead and take over the enemies bunker as you watch her in her strength, put her shield in front of her and step out alone and take bullets after bullets, after bullets, also that all of the others can run forward. And go ahead while she is the one under aim, she is the one under fire. I cried and cried during this part. And this is because of her strength, her compassion for these people, her empathy and her need to serve and save that's her power because she is a woman and women have these empathetic, strong feelings. This need to care for others. It's just an innate, nurturing quality that we have. That's us. That's women. We are wonder women. We are her. We embody everything that wonder woman is because that's who God has called us to be. That's how we've been created. We sacrifice so others can go. We sacrifice so others can do. We sacrifice so others can eat and sleep. We go without so that others can have, we don't sleep because there's too much work to do sometimes. So when you think of wonder woman or the strongest woman of God in your life, who do you think of and what qualities do they have? Do you think of you and the qualities that you have when you think of a wonder woman? Why not SIS? You are that wonder woman. You are her don't you understand that there's somebody in your life thinking of you as their wonder woman. When someone asks them, who's a strong woman in their life, the wonder woman of their life, the wonder woman of God, you are the one that comes to that. Person's mind. There's somebody in your life t