Michelle Scerri Talks About Her Life From Professional Golf Player to 5 IN 10 Program Champion

Let's Talk Fast show

Summary: Michelle has reached the heights of professional sport having played golf for Australia and in doing so, was able to travel the world playing the sport she loved, all while doing it with a great circle of friends and other professional players. While Michelle may have retired from the professional level of golf, the bug she got for travel never went away and in 2019, Michelle and her partner packed their bags and embarked on a journey that would see them travel around the world, sampling the foods and delights from well over 20 different countries. Michelle arrived back in early 2020 just as the world was beginning to shut down and without an ability to exercise or travel as freely and a few extra kilos from her year long food trip, Michelle looked to find something that would help her lose a few kilos... ENTER THE 5 IN 10 PROGRAM What started out as a journey to lose 5kg and feel fit and healthy again has turned into SOOO much more and in this podcast, Michelle talks about what this journey, the 5 IN 10 Program and most of all the 5 IN 10 Family has meant to her and her life. I hope you enjoy the episode and if you did and haven't already, please go and give the podcast a quick review and 5 star rating as it would mean the world to me and then DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE to make sure you never miss an episode!!! Join the tribe and become a NO BREAKFAST CLUB member today and receive daily workouts sent directly to your email, discounts on products and services and MUCH more planned in the no too distant future. Anyone can join and all you need to do is CLICK HERE to find out more and sign up today to join the team! Contact The No Breakfast Guy: Instagram: @the_no_breakfast_guy Website: www.thenobreakfastguy.com Email: info@thenobreakfastguy.com YouTube: www.youtube.com/thenobreakfastguy