EP 24 Secret to Multi-Tasking for Busy Moms- Focusing on One Thing at a Time Can Make You Most Effective. Productivity for Homeschooling or working Moms every day planning

Wholly Made Life™- ReClaim your Whole Life, Tap into God-Sized Fulfillment for the Success Driven Woman, Mama, Wife, Sister show

Summary: EP 24 Secret to Multi-Tasking for Busy Moms- Focusing on One Thing at a Time Can Make You Most Effective. Productivity for Homeschooling or working Moms every day planning In order to be successful at being a busy, working mom, you have to be the best at multi-tasking, right? The biggest myth in the world is that multitasking is able to occur. The reality is you cannot be efficient. You can not be safe and you can not get things done. If you think that you can multitask. My email ==> angietoninirogers@gmail.com Connect with me==> https://angie.gr8.com/ Join My Community==>  https://www.facebook.com/groups/whollymadelife Ever wanted to start your own podcast? Get the same course I took to help me get started!  http://ppu.atrogers.com Hey ladies, welcome back to Wholly Made Life. And today we're going to talk about something that I think almost every woman that I know really struggles with and really feels like they have to do to be successful. So if we have to do it, then I want to give us a tip or two to think about so that we can feel more successful in doing it. And that thing is multitasking and learning how to focus. Now I will apologize ahead of time for the audio on this. Some of this is a portion of a YouTube video audio, and some of it is through a microphone. So the audio was a little bit off and there was a little bit of background noise. So I'll go ahead and apologize for that upfront. Okay. So give me grace and forgive me. Okay, ladies. All right. Let's get into today's episode today. I want to talk to you about focus. Once you're able to learn how to focus, you can be so much more productive and get so many more things done. And then success starts to come a little bit easier. First off, I want to let you know that the average number of minutes that a person can devote to a project before being interrupted or distracted is only 11 minutes. So you have 11 good minutes before you get distracted. And once you're distracted, it takes about 23 minutes to get yourself back on track. So minor distractions, such as a click on your phone, when a text message comes through or a Facebook or email comes through on your, as you're working on something else, it can cause huge consequences for you because if you are interrupted every 11 minutes and then it, after that interruption is, is completed, then it takes 23 minutes to get back on task. You are wasting a lot of your day. So we have to learn some techniques in order to get yourself back on focus. The biggest myth in the world is that multitasking is able to occur. The reality is you cannot be efficient. You can not be safe and you can not get things done. If you think that you can multitask. Now, nothing I talk about is black and white, but to demonstrate this point, I watched a video and it was a team of basketball players wearing all white. And there was a man on the video giving me a specific task. And the task was to count how many times the basketball players passed the ball after the video it stopped. And it said, how many passes the basketball team did? Now? The hard part was not how many passes and counting to get that correct number. The hard part was that there was actually a black Moonwalking bear. So it was a black bear like that you would see in the Tennessee mountains. And it was Moonwalking in the video, in between, on all around the players. But because the man had asked me to complete a task of counting, how many passes the basketball players made. I completely missed the black bear. That was Moonwalking through the video. So in this video he then says, so there were 33 passes, but did you see the Moonwalking bear? So this video just demonstrates that it is really very difficult for us to be really good at two things at once. We might be good at a lot of things, but to do all of them at once is quite a challenge. And so when we think of multitasking, this is what we're talking about. It's, we're putting ourselves out there in all of these diffe