Ep. 105 - What You Want

How to Glow: The Jewish Woman's Marriage Boost show

Summary: <p>Hey friends! This one was a re-record thanks to technical difficulties but I think take two turned out even better for you! </p> <p>This week I'm talking about what you want. No, not the simple fluffy "I feel like a VANILLA latte" type of wanting, but what you REALLY want, what lights you up--and what to do if you don't even remember.</p> <p>But we're also going to take it another level deeper and learn a skill about using the language of "want" when you are working towards your goals--whether that's a career, family, educational, or spiritual goal. This one's gonna be a game changer for you.</p> <p>Want to take this work deeper?</p> <p>Make sure you're registered for the next Mastermind. Spots are limited. www.firstyearmarried.com/coaching</p>