Bonus Episode 1- How to REST with Intention into the New Year with Gigi Simmons

Wholly Made Life™- ReClaim your Whole Life, Tap into God-Sized Fulfillment for the Success Driven Woman, Mama, Wife, Sister show

Summary: <p>BONUS EPISODE!</p> <p>Ladies! We are SO ready to enter 2021, are we not?! Today, I share a chat I had with my friend a few days ago, Gigi Simmons, about how we can REST our way into the next season, with intention and honey, we're gonna do it victoriously, OK?! </p> <p>This season has been a difficult one. 2020 has been a year that has brought about division, strife, difficulty, lies, and illness. However, it has also brought revelation, the need to practice discernment, love, peace, and it has allowed for a certain kind of rest. Gigi will talk about how she has been able to find that rest in such a tremulous season. </p> <p>Contact Gigi here: <a href=";v=Gn9ScOS14MU&amp;;redir_token=QUFFLUhqblBGVmtmNXJiSVVfWnpFeF9leHBTZ1hraHYxd3xBQ3Jtc0trZmFYdTk4WnBXNkNkYW9fVzZwYUQ5TDE2WUZGeW1nRk5Fd1VnZHVlcDhIR1dBTWdHZVFpTGt0NFZNOWJFR3hQQzVIaHd5b016RllQNy04SlJsSmZvZV9rN2NTamp6aWVUS1gxM1dxdmkzMnY5MUcxMA%3D%3D"></a></p> <p>Learn why resting our way into the next year is going to be the best way to enter our new season! </p> <p>Useful links:</p> <ul> <li>Take the quick "Wholly Made Life Assessment" here: <a href="">Wholly Made Life Short Assessment</a> </li> <li>Have a question or comment? Email me here:</li> <li>Connect with Angie on FB: <a href=""></a> </li> </ul> <p>If you enjoyed this episode of the Wholly Made Life Podcast, then make sure to subscribe to the podcast, and don't forget to leave me a review. This is the BEST way you can show your support &amp; love for me! </p> <p>You can also take a screenshot of the episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories, and I'll be sure to give you a shout out. </p> <p> </p>