How To Get Unpoisoned Drinking Water

The Raw Food Health Podcast show

Summary: The water that comes out of your tap likely contains fluoride, chlorine, and several dozen other chemicals and drugs that science has linked to increased rates of cancer, brain damage, and other health problems. In Episode 17 of The Raw Food Health Podcast we talk about the source of this contamination, how much of a risk it puts you at, and the best ways to clean up your water to safeguard your health. I talk about the water distiller and shower filter I used for years to reduce my risk (linked below). Also: Andrew’s upcoming month-long break from, finding health stats to track, and more. The Best Water Distiller And Shower Filter: 1) Andrew’s Favorite Water Distiller 2) Brass Sprite Shower Filter Show Notes 1) Water Quality By Municipality 2)  Fueling A Jiu-Jitsu Workout On A Raw Diet How To Listen To This Episode And/Or Subscribe To The Podcast: Note: new episodes may take a few hours to show up on some subscription platforms, but you can always listen immediately via the player at the bottom of this blog. Option One: Subscribe via iTunes. Itunes is the best choice for iPod, iPhone and iPad users, as well as those on various operating systems who already use iTunes to mange audio files. Subscribe Via Itunes Option Two: Subscribe via Stitcher. Stitcher is a good choice for android phone users. Download the android Stitcher app here. Option Three:To download the episode and manually transfer it to your phone, mp3 player, tablet, etc, right click on “download” under the player at the bottom of this post and save it to the directory you want. Option Four: To be notified via RSS feed of each new episode, subscribe here. Option Five: To listen in your browser, press play on the player at the bottom of this blog post Option Six: To subscribe via other aggregators, apps, and services, find the manual podcast add feature in your program and add this RSS feed: Spread The Word And Help The Raw Food Health Podcast Grow Do you enjoy The Raw Food Health Podcast? Want more episodes and great content in the future? Please give the podcast a five star review and positive comment on iTunes. I read the best feedback in future episodes of the podcast during the shout-out section.