P.I.D. Radio 1/13/11: Together We Strive

P.I.D. Radio Network show

Summary: LAST NIGHT’S memorial for the victims of the shooting in Tucson felt more like a political rally than a somber remembrance. In fact, thousands of t-shirts with the slogan “Together We Thrive” were distributed to the attendees. At the very least, it seems like a very odd tribute to the dead. Don’t miss the opening blessing (link opens YouTube video). Elsewhere, Rick Warren has partnered with three doctors, including Oprah’s favorite Dr. Oz (all professing the benefits of Eastern mysticism and, in Oz’s case, influenced by the 18th century “Christian” mystic Emanuel Swedenborg), to create a purpose-driven diet plan. Will anyone at Saddleback Church object? Also: an iPhone app to read your mind; and hundreds of dead birds near St. Louis.