VFTB 075: Dr. Joseph Farrell - LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy

P.I.D. Radio Network show

Summary: WRITING ABOUT the assassination of John F. Kennedy is a small industry, so it’s rare when a book emerges that presents a new perspective on one of the iconic moments of the 20th Century. Dr. Joseph Farrell has managed to hit that increasingly tiny target. LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy examines what Dr. Farrell calls the “confluence of interests” that stood to gain from the death of President Kennedy, weaving together familiar elements — the CIA, Texas oilmen, the Mafia, Cuban exiles — with such seemingly disconnected threads as the remnants of the Third Reich, America’s space program — and highly advanced technology that might have been left on the Moon. It’s a conversation that covers a lot of ground and still only scratches the surface. For more on Dr. Farrell’s research and writing, see his official website: www.GizaDeathStar.com.