P.I.D. Radio 5/22/11: The World Rolls On

P.I.D. Radio Network show

Summary: AS EXPECTED, Harold Camping's prediction of Judgment Day was proven false. Sadly, many people put their lives on the line, giving up their savings, homes, and families in the belief that the world as we knew it was ending. Skeptics have enjoyed the spectacle and are reveling in the opportunity to mock the Creator of the universe. Our prayer is that those deceived by Camping will turn back to the Bible, study the Word of God, and find out for themselves what the Lord has to say about His promised return. And make no mistake -- He is coming back. No man knows the day or the hour. Anyone who says different is probably selling something. Also: President Obama's Mideast peace policy; Israel's reaction; and Scotland Yard refuses to release Jack the Ripper files. Please visit the P.I.D. Radio Facebook page, and check out the great Christian podcasters at the Revelations Radio Network.