OCR Vegans vs Carnivores plus Wine, Russia & Cowhides #10

OCR Disrupt Podcast with Nick Day & James Ruckley show

Summary: <h1> <strong><u>OCR Vegans vs Carnivores plus Wine, Russia &amp; Cowhides.</u></strong><u> #10</u> </h1><h4><br></h4><blockquote><em>"The underfloor heating is really bringing the cow back to life" </em></blockquote><p><br></p><p><em>Disclaimer: Okay, so this is the first episode we have ever recorded having consumed wine both before and during the recording. I think it shows. We try to be serious, but the Vegan debate takes over! What the episode lacks in research, we hope it makes up for in giggles, dogmatism and mad cow sound effects! Please don't take it too seriously... Errr Enjoy! :-) </em><a href="https://emojipedia.org/seedling/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">