TT Ep 33 - Transition QA - ASDA NLC

NDP show

Summary: Charles and Christy had a great time at the ASDA National Leadership Conference in Chicago and had a great interactive live Q&A session on transitions. It was so great that they had a ton of unanswered questions and we thought it would make the perfect podcast episode! Listen in to get their take on these awesome questions.... 1) Benefits of owning a solo practice vs. a group practice? 2) What is the best way to manage staff? 3) What other factors do you look at other than location? 4) When do you know the timing is right to buy a practice? 5)What is the first thing you do/change when you buy a practice? 6) If you are moving to a new state with no connections or insight…are you still doing a “letter campaign”? 7) How long should I plan on owning? 8) How to choose an area that will benefit me 20 years from now (i.e. changing demographics)? 9) How much extra time do you spend on the practice as an Owner vs. an Associate? 10) What is the best way to acquire new patients to grow a start-up?