How To Manage Office Politics

Don't Stop Us Now! Podcast show

Summary: Office politics - even the thought of it can make some people cringe! <br> <br> We so understand because those two words together conjure up images of mostly bad experiences don’t they? Whether it’s the nightmare colleague, the boss from hell or having the goal posts shifted on you without notice, it’s just not fun!<br> <br> If you’ve ever experienced this or are going through something like this right now, then this is the episode for you. With one research study showing that one in three working people in Britain were unhappy at work because of office politics, we figure that all the great advice featured in this episode is going to come in pretty handy for a lot of you! <br> <br> Tune in if you want to learn:<br> <br> How to think about office politics differently <br> Two great principles to apply when navigating through a tricky situation, whatever it may be <br> How to approach having an insecure or micro-managing boss<br> Specific and simple tips for you to survive having a difficult colleague<br> <br>  <br> <br> Whatever your situation you’re likely to feel much better equipped to handle a day at the office after this advice-packed episode!