Don't Stop Us Now! Podcast show

Don't Stop Us Now! Podcast

Summary: Authentic stories and practical advice from awesome, innovative women around the globe. Our aim is to uncover the human behind the success story to show that these women are achieving great things despite their doubts, fears and tough times. Plus, look out for bonus ‘How to’ episodes sharing practical and proven tools to help you deal with common career challenges and become that little bit more unstoppable. Look for new episodes every 2nd week.

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 Kristina Karlsson – Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:16

Our guest this week is Kristina Karlsson, the entrepreneur and founder of global Swedish design and stationery business, kikki.K.   What’s unprecedented about this episode is that just as we were in the process of putting this out to the world, Kristina’s beloved nearly 20 year old business fell in to Administration with the latest news saying they are looking for buyers or investors to keep the business alive.  When we recorded our interview with Kristina just a few weeks ago she talked about challenging times in retail but, not surprisingly, she didn’t go into details of the current situation.  What we’ve been struck by is how positive and strong Kristina is, even now in her social posts. And that comes through so strongly in this episode where you’ll hear about:  The ups and downs of starting your own retail business and how tough you need to be  Kristina’s passion for having dreams and chasing them (She’s also written a book called ‘Your Dream Life Starts Here’ to inspire others to write down and chase their dreams.)  How she credits becoming a Mother with giving her more balance And the quirky yet ingenious way Kristina learnt to perfect her business English early on! Plus, 3 lucky listeners have the chance to win a copy of Kristina’s book here but hurry, entries close in a few weeks. We’re sending loads of positive energy and good wishes to all involved with kikki.K and hope the business survives.  Now without further ado enjoy this conversation with the inspiring and positive Kristina Karlsson. Links of Interest Kristina on Instagram Kristina on LinkedIn Your Dream Life Podcast kikki.K on Instagram kikki.K website kikki.K Pinterest kikki.K Facebook

 Mandy Birch – On Being Yourself (in a Man’s World) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:47

Our guest this week is former military leader and now Quantum Computing pioneer, Mandy Birch. Born and bred in the USA, Mandy is super qualified . . . she has a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT; another Masters in in Military Operational Art & Science, and a third Masters in International Relations! Mandy’s entire career has been in male dominated industries. She spent 16 years climbing to senior ranks in the United States Air Force and now she’s working on Quantum Computing with a company called Rigetti. Rigetti is one of four companies (Sept 2019) to have a fully operational quantum computer.  During our conversation, we were fascinated to hear how Mandy only truly thrived in her career in the military when she learnt to be herself. She talks about how important it has been to her career to feel comfortable in her own skin, even when she was different to nearly everyone else in the room.  In this episode you’ll learn:  How to summarise Quantum Computing in a single sentence How being under-estimated became a positive and shaped Mandy’s leadership style  Why she believes over-planning your career can be a problem And why getting used to being different and seeing the value in that made all the difference.  Enjoy this episode with the passionate and mission-driven Mandy Birch.      Links of Interest Mandy on LinkedIn Rigetti Computing  

 Cecilia Tham – Predicting the Future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:29

If you’ve ever wondered about what we’ll all be eating in 10-15 years time then this is the episode for you!  Our guest is Barcelona-based Cecilia Tham, a Social Technologist and Futurist. She happens to have the coolest day job working for Alpha, which is Telefonica’s innovation arm briefed to build moonshots to address some of society’s biggest problems, including the future of food. Cecilia was raised in Macau, attended high school and Harvard university in the US, and then found herself in Spain having to start from scratch, language included. She describes herself as an entrepreneur by heart, a designer and biologist by training, and a maker for life.  On her journey to working at Alpha, she founded and co-founded 3 separate ventures including a Maker cafe, a co-working community, and a coding and tech academy for women. We think you’ll find Cecilia’s life and career lessons really inspiring. In particular you’ll learn: How Cecilia’s former husband’s gift of a sewing machine first insulted her and then led to her uncovering a passion and her first entrepreneurial venture What ‘Trim Tabbing' is and why it makes her more productive How Cecilia managed to turn her mindset around and be comfortable being different to everyone else in the room And…. how she and her colleagues are looking at future scenarios where you'll be able to grow an entire meal, including meat and veg, with the one plant - yes you read that right - grow your dinner! Enjoy this episode with the multi-talented and dynamic Cecilia Tham.      Links of Interest Cecilia's website  Alpha Makers of Barcelona (MOB) FAB Cafe  allwomen AI Training School    

 How to Have a Great Year | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:13

Our first ‘How To’ episode of 2020 brings you super useful tips and advice to set yourself up for an awesome 2020! To put this episode together, we scoured the latest research and we drew upon the content and expertise we’ve developed delivering leadership programs around the world for major companies such as Google, Salesforce and Pinterest. And, as usual, you also get to hear thoughts from some of our amazing guests on the topic as well.  You may well have thought about some New Year’s resolutions or goals recently, but whatever your situation, we’re confident that this episode will turbocharge your prospects for the rest of the year.  Here’s a taste of some of the many invaluable things you’ll learn from this episode: The somewhat surprising first step we advise you take when planning a great year ahead The huge benefits you can reap from cultivating a more positive outlook and mindset,  plus easy tips to help you do just that How to avoid being over-ambitious with all the goals you want to set for yourself and spare yourself from feeling you’ve failed when you don’t achieve them all And, the one thing you can easily do to increase the chance of you achieving your goals by more than 30%.  Improve your chances by more than 30% - that’s insane isn’t it? So don’t delay, make sure you listen now to give yourself the best chance for a fantastic 2020.  Enjoy!   Useful links How to Breathe Easy About your Purpose episode Tim Ferriss's Reflection Process Achieving your goals: An evidence-based approach, Michigan State University Why a Happy Brain Performs Better - HBR  

 Que Dallara – Unlocks What It Takes to Be Successful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:18

From extreme disadvantage in her childhood, Honeywell Connected Enterprise (HCE) President and CEO, Que Dallara, has been driven all her life to ensure she and her family are far from the memories she has of begging for rice as a child refugee.  We’re in awe of what Que has so thoughtfully achieved over the years taking her from supporting her family and herself through school and uni, to reach the highest echelons of corporate America. Que grew up in Australia and worked there for McKinsey and numerous corporates before moving to the US almost 20 years ago via an MBA at Insead. She worked in senior roles for Microsoft, TE Connectivity and now is running HCE for Honeywell. Que is leading the industrial giant’s transformative push into software sales and the Internet of Things.  Alongside all of this, she’s also the mum of three kids! We urge you not to miss this episode which shares not only Que’s incredible life story but also some of the finest career advice you’re likely to hear.  In this episode you’ll learn: What impact Que’s dramatic and dangerous escape from Vietnam has had on her life How having to pay for her education and support her family, saw her running a successful business by the age of 16! The one key thing Que realised she (and others) need to develop to keep progressing in their careers How she goes about leading a major innovation play within a huge conglomerate. Enjoy this episode with the humble, yet ever so impressive, Que Dallara.    Useful Links Que's LinkedIn Honeywell - click on Honeywell Forge to see Que's Division  

 Michelle Garnaut AO – Fabulous Stories from One of Asia’s Most Celebrated Restaurateurs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:42

Our guest this week has taken the road less travelled, and pioneered her industry in Hong Kong and China for more than 30 years. We’re talking about one of Asia’s most celebrated restaurateurs, and a philanthropist as well, Michelle Garnaut AO. Michelle grew up in Australia but always knew she wanted to travel. The fact she founded and launched her business, the M Restaurant Group, in Hong Kong in the late 1980s makes her one of the first independent restaurateurs to set up shop anywhere in Hong Kong or China.  Time Magazine has even described Michelle as an ‘industry celebrity’ and someone who ‘pioneered the fashionable-dining scene in China’.  Michelle is well known for the upscale restaurants and bars she’s created and launched in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing - including M on the Bund restaurant still delighting diners in Shanghai.  She’s also committed to giving back, and founded the Shanghai International Literary Festival the M Literary Residency, the Village People Project and the women’s initiative, Mentor Walks, which she started in Beijing.  Michelle has won numerous international entrepreneurial awards and accolades, and last year was awarded an Order of Australia for her numerous contributions to business and society.  In this episode you’ll learn: How Michelle became one of the most successful fine-dining restaurateurs in China  Her hard fought lessons about starting and running a business Why she started out with her cash locked in a fridge, and How she had to fight to win back control of her business. We think you’ll just love Michelle’s amazing stories and all-round fabulousness.  Happy listening!    Interesting Links Michelle's Restaurant in Shanghai - M on the Bund M on the Bund on Facebook M on the Bund on Weibo Mentor Walks China Mentor Walks Australia Scan to Follow M on the Bund on WeChat      

 Laura Anderson – On A Mission to Mars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:28

This week’s guest has an insatiable passion for learning and the future and she has the career portfolio to prove it! We’re talking about international company director, entrepreneur and global philanthropist, Laura Anderson. Laura grew up near Chicago in the US. She found out early on that she was good at maths and loved ideas and set about immersing herself in areas that fascinated her. As a girl she wanted  to be an astronaut and to this day is convinced the Space Program is critically important. And yes, she’s passionate about humans getting to Mars! Laura’s “why not?” attitude ultimately led her to a career in the technology industry where she worked around the world for companies such as HP, KPMG and Perot Systems, as well as starting her own successful supply chain company.  Laura is now based in Australia where she has a full and fascinating portfolio of local and international interests and directorships including being Chair of LaunchVic (a Government organisation to foster a start-up ecosystem), the Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Technology in Schools, and SVI Global Pty Ltd.  She’s also on the boards of: the Fulbright Commission, the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, Epworth HealthCare, the National Basketball League, and the Defence Science Institute.  In this episode, you’ll learn: How Laura goes about influencing people, particularly in a male dominated environment What tools and tactics she uses to manage her mindset How she thinks about her global network Her advice to entrepreneurs And the reasons why she’s on a Mission to Mars! Sit back, buckle up and enjoy this episode with the very accomplished and delightful Laura Anderson.     Links of Interest Laura's Website Laura on Twitter Laura on Instagram  

 June Dally Watkins – Redefining What’s Possible for Women Even at 92! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:35

This week’s guest is a woman who at the age of 92 is still inspiring thousands of women to be the “best they can be!”. We’re talking about the incredible doyenne of etiquette and deportment, June Dally Watkins. Miss Dally, as she is known, grew up on a sheep farm and attended a one teacher bush school in regional Australia. Her teacher told her mother that she “would be an absolute failure in life”. He couldn’t have been more wrong. At 22, June became Australia’s Fashion Model of the Year and soon became Australia’s first supermodel. She lived the high life as part of the global jetset becoming great friends with Hollywood stars Audrey Hepburn, Bing Crosby and Gregory Peck (who asked her to marry him!). When she came back to Australia she started her now famous etiquette and deportment business which made her one of Australia’s first female entrepreneurs. The June Dally Watkins School has gone on to change thousands and thousands of people’s lives.  She is now, at 92 years of age, an absolute sensation in China where she goes for weeks at a time to teach thousands to be “the best they can be”. In this episode you’ll learn: How hard it was to be one of the first business women in Australia when women were expected to play the traditional housewife role Why June pushed through condemnation and criticism to build her business How she came to be so in demand in China in her 90’s And her advice on how to stay young. Enjoy this episode with the delightful and determined June Dally Watkins.   Useful Links June Dally Watkins Website (JDW) Sydney Morning Herald Good Weekend Article on June Dally Watkins JDW on Facebook  

 How to Have a Difficult Conversation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:38

We get it, no-one likes having a difficult conversation do they?  Yet, it’s a fact of life that we all need to instigate them at different times both at work and at home. And if you want to be successful at work, it’s fair to say that having constructive difficult conversations is a skill you just need to master. But difficult conversations are hard because they often illicit emotion. Hence many of us procrastinate or dodge conversations that we know we really should have, which can lead to resentment and festering emotions.    Procrastinate no more! This week we provide you with some simple tips and tools to help you navigate these tricky situations. In fact, we teach how to have difficult work conversations in our leadership programs at companies around the world, including Google, Pinterest, Uber, etc, and our participants tell us that these skills really help.  In this episode you’ll learn: Practical steps you can take to ensure your difficult conversations go as well as possible  Why it’s so important to have difficult conversations A super useful way to give feedback well  And, how to say No  Plus, you get to hear an, almost, Oscar-winning feedback role-play (if we say so ourselves)!  So don’t delay that difficult conversation you’ve been putting off - click below and have a listen and then try it for real! You've got this! Oh and email us at if you’d like us to send you our Values Assessment Exercise.   Useful Links The SBI Feedback Model Additional Reading: Crucial Conversations - Tools for Talking When Stake are High by Kerry Paterson Radical Candour by Kim Scott Malone What's Worst Than Having a Difficult Conversation? Avoiding One! by Deborah Rowland - HBR article  

 Jodie Fox – The Rise and Demise of Her Global Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:55

Our guest this week has been on an incredible journey in the past decade - building an iconic online retail empire to global heights and then having no choice but to close it all down last year. We’re talking about Shoes of Prey co-founder, Jodie Fox.  The trailblazing Shoes of Prey became a global start-up and fashion darling during its nine years in business - offering shoes that its customers could personally design and customise online. It was a truly innovative concept.  Big name VC firms thought so too, and Jodie and her two male co-founders raised around $30 million over the life of the business before coming to the heart-wrenching decision to cease trading in August last year. The problem? Despite a stunning launch years earlier, they simply couldn’t get the scale to make the business sustainable in the long term.  Jodie was the Chief Creative Officer and public face of Shoes of Prey, so coming to terms with having to shut down the business, and its global offices, has been particularly confronting for her in the past year having spent the past ten years living and breathing the brand.  In this episode you’ll learn : How and why Jodie went from being a risk averse young lawyer to a start-up co-founder  What it was like to be married and then divorced to one of her co-founders whilst still having to work in the business together The three key lessons she’s taken away from the high profile failure of their venture And, how vulnerable she feels sharing so much of her personal story in her new book. This is Jodie’s first podcast interview since Shoes of Prey was shut down and it comes as she’s launching her book about the incredible journey she’s been on: ‘Reboot - More Than You Ever Probably Wanted to Know About Starting a Global Business’.  We loved this discussion and Jodie’s generosity in sharing what she’s learnt. Be sure not to miss this one and be among the first to hear her fascinating stories. Plus, enter our competition to win one of ten copies of Jodie’s book that we are giving away to lucky subscribers.  Happy Listening!   Jodie with co-Founders Michael Fox and Mike Knapp; the early days of Shoes of Prey; a Shoes of Prey concept store in the US; Jodie Links of interest Jodie's website Win one of 10 of Jodie's new book Jodie's Youtube Channel Jodie on Insta Jodie on Linkedin Buy Jodie's new book - Reboot, More Than You Probably Ever Wanted to Know About Starting a Global Business Booktopia - Australia Amazon - US Amazon - UK  

 Jordy Fu – Child Prodigy Artist to Sought After Architect and Designer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:21

This episode features a super creative thinker and former child prodigy who’s on a quest to bring beauty and emotion to all that she creates and builds. We’re talking about renown architect, interior designer, fashion designer and artist, Jordy Fu. Jordy grew up in Chengdu in China. At the age of just six years old, 200 pieces of Jordy’s art work were exhibited in a solo exhibition at the Beijing Capital Museum. By the time she was seven a book of her artworks had been published! Jordy went on to study in London at the iconic art school, Central Saint Martins, before qualifying as an architect and eventually starting her own multi-disciplinary firm.  Now based in Bangkok, Jordy and her team work on a diverse range of projects... and Jordy in particular works on everything from iconic buildings in China to statement fashion pieces for the runways in Dubai.  In this episode you’ll learn: Why she believes most architects are boring Why being a child prodigy can make you feel like a failure when you’re an adult How she manages to juggle multiple projects and be a parent; and How she’s trained herself to have a positive attitude, and how you can too …. If you aspire to be more creative or have a more positive mindset, then don’t miss this episode!   Jordy as a six year old at Beijing Capital Musuem; artwork she drew as a five year old; Jordy's fashion collection at Dubai Fashion Week; putting the final touches on her paper chandelier; Jordy in her egg chair in her office; Greta Thomas, Jordy Fu and Claire Hatton in her Bangkok office; one of Jordy's architectural designs. Links of Interest Marques & Jordy Website Jordy's TED Talk Jordy on Linkedin  

 Dr Cath Ball – Flying High with Drones and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:28

In this week’s episode we meet an entrepreneur and innovator who’s been through more than her fair share of challenge and trauma, yet has found a way to forge her own unique path. We’re talking about the irrepressible Dr Catherine Ball. Catherine, or Cath, grew up in a pretty poor, single parent household in an industrial town in the UK. Unlike her peers she was determined to go to university where she studied environmental protection. She then went on to complete a PHD - a process she now describes as torturous.  Needing to pay off her student debt, her path then took her into the corporate world where she worked with a number of engineering consultancies in the UK and then in Australia.  Just as Cath was being recognised as a leader in her space receiving the Queensland Telstra Business Woman of the Year award in 2015, her company merged with a competitor and she, to her surprise, was made redundant.  It was this shocking jolt that led her to start her first company and led to her building on her already existing experience working with drones.  Since then she’s be recognised as a true thought leader in emerging technologies, having been awarded many accolades in Australia, including then AFR Women of Influence and Top 25 Women in Robotics Lists, both in 2016.  In this episode you’ll learn: How she’s carved out her unique path as an entrepreneur; How she manages her time involved with 10 different projects plus having a young toddler and another one on the way; How drones will change our lives and  How you need to think about your career in a world of AI, robotics and cybersecurity. Enjoy this episode with the witty and inspiring Dr Cath Ball.   Links of Interest Dr Cath Ball's website World of Drones Congress Dr Cath Ball Linkedin The Social Start Up World of Drones Education   

 Vicki Saunders – Reinventing the Game for Female Founders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:28

In our episode this week we meet an entrepreneur who’s been on a 30 year quest to find ways to create environments and networks for people to innovate and solve problems that matter. We’re talking about the amazing Founder and CEO of SheEO, Vicki Saunders. Vicki grew up in Canada on her family’s farm where she learnt early on to work hard and problem solve. However, her pathway to becoming an entrepreneur took place, unusually for a young Canadian woman, in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic.  Vicki spent 4 years in Prague where she started multiple businesses learning as she went along. She also built a community of entrepreneurs there, before returning to Toronto to found Canada’s first ever incubator.  Fast forward many years and Vicki was mentoring a brilliant young female entrepreneur who was struggling to get funded. She realised then that the system was broken for women… with female-founded startups receiving less than 4% of all venture capital funding. Vicki decided she had to do something to change this and figure out a way to get more women’s business ideas funded. And so SheEO was founded. Now operating in 5 countries, SheEO is a network of women who support, finance and celebrate female innovators who run ventures solving important world problems.  In this episode learn:      What it was like as an entrepreneur in Eastern Europe after the Berlin Wall came down     How Vicki created Canada's first incubator, floated it on the stock exchange; and then got fired     Why she thinks the environment you surround yourself in is so critical to your success     How women's radical generosity is changing the world, and how you can get involved. Enjoy this episode with the visionary and passionate Vicki Saunders.   Links of interest Vicki on Linkedin SheEO website Become an Activator Apply to be a Venture  

 How To Manage Office Politics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:10

Office politics - even the thought of it can make some people cringe!  We so understand because those two words together conjure up images of mostly bad experiences don’t they? Whether it’s the nightmare colleague, the boss from hell or having the goal posts shifted on you without notice, it’s just not fun! If you’ve ever experienced this or are going through something like this right now, then this is the episode for you. With one research study showing that one in three working people in Britain were unhappy at work because of office politics, we figure that all the great advice featured in this episode is going to come in pretty handy for a lot of you!  Tune in if you want to learn: How to think about office politics differently  Two great principles to apply when navigating through a tricky situation, whatever it may be  How to approach having an insecure or micro-managing boss Specific and simple tips for you to survive having a difficult colleague   Whatever your situation you’re likely to feel much better equipped to handle a day at the office after this advice-packed episode!

 Martha Lane Fox – A Powerful Voice Where Few Women Are Heard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:40

Our guest this week is the incredibly inspiring Martha Lane Fox, one of the UK’s most well known and respected technology leaders and society shapers. In 1997 Martha was 25 years old when she became co-founder of, one of the first internet travel marketplaces in the world. This was in the days of the first dot com boom when creating internet based businesses was still a truly pioneering thing.  In 2003, after 6 years running, Martha stepped down as CEO and took some time off to holiday in Morocco, where she was seriously injured in a car accident. She broke 28 bones, had a stroke, was airlifted back to the UK and spent 2 years in hospital. Martha’s story of her journey back to some degree of normalcy is truly incredible. The chronic pain and injuries she lives with today would make you think she’d want to rest up and take it easy. But not Martha. She’s gone on to do so many important things, believing passionately that it’s so important for female voices to be heard. Today she sits on numerous boards including Twitter, Chanel, and the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust and is the Chancellor of the UK's Open University. She’s also the founder and Chair of a think tank called DotEveryone which promotes responsible technology for a fairer future. And since 2013, Martha has been a member of the House of Lords, the upper house of the UK parliament (where her title is Baroness Lane-Fox of Soho). In this episode you’ll hear: What it’s like to be a member of the House of Lords, particularly as a woman How her accident impacted her life and what tactics she uses to cope and achieve all that she does Her advice on how you can speak up and be heard Why she tries to raise the climate crisis in whatever forum she finds herself in. Please enjoy this interview with the irrepressible Martha Lane Fox.   Links of interest: Martha on Twitter Martha's Website Doteveryone on Twitter Doteveryone Website  


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