To Change or Not to Change – That is the Question

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about The Pros and Cons of Change. My motto is Excuses Don’t Count unless you’re dead. Now I know this sounds harsh but excuses are just that – excuses. They don’t serve anyone and it doesn’t matter what your excuses are. You either did or didn’t do something – just that plain and simple. In the July 2008 issue of Prevention Magazine, there was a great short article under Who We Admire. There are five ladies in a photo who all have t-shirts on with a circle and a line crossing through the word Excuses – basically meaning No Excuses. I love it! The article is about five ladies who just celebrated their 30th year of walking together. They walk every single day at 6:30am, rain or shine, and have logged an estimated 25,000 miles. What an inspirational story and we should admire these five ladies. No Excuses! They chose to change their life the way it was and begin walking and they are still going strong. They choose to do it every day, not matter what – no excuses. I love it! We will talk about: - What is change? - Can People Change? - The Pros and Cons of Change Don’t be afraid to change just because you don’t know how the change will affect things. I heard it said, if you continually do things the same way you will always get what you have gotten. Explore what might be. Ask yourself, what’s the worst thing that can happen? In most cases, it will be something desired and something good. You may not do it perfect the first time, but you will get better each time you do it. Try changing something that you have been putting off and experience the results for yourself. Enjoy!