The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity

Summary: Proven Business Success Systems for Working Less, Making More Money, and Having a More Balanced and Successful Life. If you want to accelerate your results so you can enjoy your ideal business and life sooner rather than later, you came to the right place. Wouldn’t it be great if our ‘good intentions’ worked the way that we think they should? Not even enthusiasm guarantees positive results. There’s often a wide gap between our intentions and our actions. We fail to take the action necessary to be in alignment with our good intentions. This can be very frustrating. Good intentions don’t magically lead to good results. They are a start; however, they are unfortunately not enough. This is just the truth! We all can use a little accountability in our life to help us stay focused so we can achieve all our goals in the time frames we desire. Anne Bachrach is author of Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!, and Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices we Make Impact our Lives; The Work Life Balance Emergency Kit; and co-author of Roadmap to Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard. Create the kind of life you have always dreamed of having. Go to today and take advantage of 3 Free gifts that you can immediately use to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. Visit and receive 10% off all products and services along with many complimentary high-value resources and tools available to you under the FREE Silver Membership. Check out the Quality of Life Enhancer™ Exercise, and the Wheel of Life exercise, for helping you find balance in everyday life to name a few. Subscribe to the Accountability Coach YouTube channel and Blog to receive even more valuable information so you can have the kind of life you truly want and deserve. - Anne Bachrach's YouTube channel ( - Anne Bachrach's Business Success Principles Blog (

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 3 Important Aspects of Time Blocking Your Calendar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:09

Originally thought to have been popularized by a man named Cal Newport, time blocking is simply the practice of holding space in each day for your top priorities, and then filling in the gaps around those time blocks with other important tasks or events until your days are filled. While how this plays out is likely different for everyone, the principle of carving out time to do the activities you need to do and achieve your goals. How do you intent to spend your time is what matters. If the end goal of time blocking is increased productivity and decreased stress, then developing a commitment to living life (or at least carrying out your workday) in a structured series of segments is well worth the potential gains. If you are interested in learning to effectively time block your days, be sure to take the following 3 aspects of effective time management into consideration: 1. Identify recurring tasks or events and streamline those in your calendar When you are able to identify recurring events inside of your calendar, you are well on the way to saving time and making your life a whole lot more organized. The truth is, much of our daily life is cyclical and repetitive – we get up at the same time each day, we visit the same places each week, we speak with the same clients each month; the list goes on and on. Setting up recurring time blocks in your preferred calendar or schedule application will save you time and energy. If you prefer to work with a handwritten calendar (like a Franklin Day Planner), you can achieve the same result by sitting down at the start of every month or quarter and manually mapping out any recurring work to-do items that you know will happen on a consistent basis. When you eliminate the need to think about every single item on your calendar every day, you decrease the potential decision fatigue that you may face and also decrease the mental strain you have from trying to remember too many things. You no longer have to be afraid you will forget to do something. 2. Look through the lens of being in control Most successful business people have aversions to being controlled; they prefer to be masters of their own fates. While having a regimented, intensely scheduled calendar may seem daunting and oppressive at first, it is actually incredibly freeing once you lean into the benefits of a controlled schedule. Eliminating spontaneous events in your day also eliminates unnecessary stress and gives you freedom to choose when and how you want to be flexible instead of being forced to adapt to every work emergency that comes your way. You are more intentional with how to best use your very valuable time. Todoist puts it well, saying, “If you don’t control your schedule, it will control you. How do you balance the necessary evils of meetings, email, team chat, and “busy work” with focused time for the things you truly care about? Since becoming a digital hermit isn’t an option for most of us, we need concrete strategies to help us focus in a world designed to distract us.” If you truly want to be in control of your workday and not a slave to endless interruptions and distractions, then time blocking may just be the solution you have been searching for that will make all the difference for you and everyone in your firm. 3. Plan for your day’s success Instead of living each day in an open-ended, fluid schedule of items that you will add to the “list” and get to “when you can,” time blocking allows you to begin every day with a concrete schedule that dictates exactly what you will work on and when you will do it – all set up and decided on in advance by you. Even if the time you are blocking out is for “free time” or “random projects” or “potential meetings” the fact that you have intentionally held space for those things gives you space to work on last minute things as they arise instead of feeling like you have no choice but to fit them in immediately. In order to be successful with this, you have to be

 Belief Has the Power to Help You Achieve Your Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:17

Nick Saban (who you might know from him being the American football coach at the University of Alabama since 2007) said, “When you invest your time, you make a goal and a decision of something that you want to accomplish. Whether it's, make good grades in school, be a good athlete, be a good person, go down and do some community service and help somebody who's in need, or whatever it is you choose to do, you're investing your time in that.” The key element there is investment. We can’t ever hope to achieve something worthwhile if we don’t believe it is possible - if we are not emotionally invested in its success. If we don’t believe in our ability to figure something out, or to find success, then no one else will either! We can either be our own worst enemy or the best cheerleader we’ve ever had. But not at the same time. We are, at any given time, either tearing down our dreams and goals, or building them up. What You Believe Will Likely Come to Pass In order to truly be successful, you have to believe you have the capacity for that success. Ultimately, it is all about harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is simple. It is the belief that having positive thoughts about your life and future will “attract” more positivity and prosperity in your life. Also called “self-fulfilling prophecy,” this concept is not a new one. For example, if you go into a meeting thinking it will be boring and you will get nothing from it, don’t be surprise when you walk away having learned nothing new. You got out of it what you expected to find. Likewise, an open-minded person that goes into that same meeting prepared to have it be intriguing and beneficial, will likely find at least one usable nugget of information they can benefit from; therefore, reinforcing their initial belief about how the meeting should go. How we feel about certain situations trickles into our body language and into our subconscious thoughts. If you dread going to work each day, it won’t be long before your posture becomes slumped, your attitude becomes poor, and your performance becomes lackluster. You have to intentionally change your feelings and – often – your body language – to reflect a new way of thinking in order to reach new goals and realize different outcomes and better outcomes for your life. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Positivity Much like a boomerang, the beliefs and thoughts you put into your mind, and the energy you project into your work and personal life, will always come back around. We get to choose the lenses that we see the world through. Our beliefs and intentionality truly do have the power to help us achieve our goals. Success Magazine interviewed an NFL Superbowl champion, and asked him how he was able to find such consistent success with hitting his professional goals at such a high level. He said, “You have to see things happen in your life before you can do it. It is visualization. I learned that as an athlete; don’t ever go out onto the field of competition thinking about what you don’t want to have happen, because once you let those negative thoughts into your mind, they can more easily manifest. If you are in a place of positivity, your percentage chance of hitting the perfect punt is higher, much higher, because you are thinking about what you want to do, not what you don’t want to do, or what you don’t want to happen. Your brain is the most powerful muscle you have.” This focus on positive thinking is what he and countless other highly successful people all over the world have found to be the key to helping them set goals and achieve greater success. When you believe you can do something, and choose to focus on what can go right instead of on what can go wrong, your chances of hitting your goal increase dramatically. Not only that, but belief in yourself and positive thinking create a hamster wheel of self-realization that is nearly impossible to stop once it gains momentum. If you’re alw

 Check out my Interview with Matt Grandos - Motivation Expert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:16

Interview with Matt Grandos – Author of Motivate the Unmotivated: A Proven System for Sustainable Motivation Over the last decade, Matt Grandos has tested, developed and helped thousands of others implement an effective and easy to duplicate system that will help you build an unbreakable foundation for your life as well as motivate even the most unmotivated individuals in your life. These techniques have been taught and implemented in organizations of all industries and sizes. From Google Headquarters and Twitter to the United States Airforce and professional organizations all around the world. Using these concepts Matt has been able to do the following: • Build his first $1,000,000 business by the age of 25 • Travel all over the world teaching top executives how to build an unbreakable foundation and sustainably motivate others. • See continued success for thousands of individuals who have applied these systems to their lives and businesses. Matt is also the author of, Motivate the Unmotivated: A Proven System for Sustainable Motivation. He has a new book coming out in a few months called, The Intentional Week. Here are some questions I asked Matt that you will benefit from by listening to his answers: 1. How does someone motivate themselves when they really don’t feel motivated? 2. Can you motivate team members? How do you motivate others? 3. Who was the Hardest person you ever had to motivate? 4. What are a few things individuals can implement right now to help motivate others? 5. If you are saying motivation should be like turning a switch on and off, if it is this easy why are people unmotivated? 6. What is the “Two-Minute Drill”? 7. How do you motivate the unmotivated? What is the best way for you to obtain a copy of Matt’s book, Motivate the Unmotivated: A Proven System for Sustainable Motivation? On Amazon. Resources Matt Shared: -Free Motivation Catlyst Assessment: -PodGift for Listeners (mention that you were referred by Anne Bachrach): -See how Matt’s organization can help you: -90-Day Challenge: If you are getting value from any of Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short rating and review. I would really appreciate it, and love to hear from you and requests for topics you would find of value. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel with business success principles ( - Subscribe to my high-value short business tips Blog ( - Connect with me on Facebook ( - Connect with me on Linked-in ( - Connect with me on Pinterest ( - Connect with me on Instagram ( Take advantage of all the complimentary business tips and tools by joining the Free Silver Membership on Check out all the great free high-content training web classes, by going to Go to to check out for yourself how I, as your Accountability Coach™, can help you get and stay focused on you highest payoff activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your professional and personal goals, so you can enjoy the kind of business and life you truly want and deserve. As an experienced accountability coach and author of 5 books, I help business professionals make more money, work less, and enjoy even better work life balance. Check out my proven business accelerator resources by going to htt

 5 Effective and Incredibly Powerful Goal Setting Principles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:32

The concept of goal setting is nothing new for those in business. Touted by everyone from Tony Robbins to Oprah as being a necessary part of a high-functioning life, setting an intention and then doing what it takes to reach it is a necessary skill that everyone believes is important. But how many of us actually set goals that take us where we want to go and then arrive there? One study says that as few as eight percent of people set goals that they later achieve. The study focused on New Year’s resolutions, but it nevertheless paints a shocking picture of how we as a society tend to flippantly set goals without ever having a true intention of fulfilling those dreams and plans. So, what did the elite eight percent do to set themselves apart from their peers? 1. They Began with The Big Picture in Mind People that consistently achieve their goals spend time considering what steps are necessary to get across the finish line. That means looking at all the little, tedious steps ( needed to get from A to Z and then plotting those steps – like a graph – across the timeline they have set up. They literally eliminated all of the guesswork, and in doing so they removed a majority of the barriers to success. 2. They Got Hyper-Specific Setting a vague goal is a sure-fire way to kill your progress before it even begins. The less specific we are when setting a goal, the more wiggle room we give our subconscious self later on when we are running low on discipline and mental toughness. Instead of saying, “I want to increase revenue this year” say “In the first quarter of 2021 I will increase revenue by 12% by running targeted social media ads.” The difference in these two statements is that one is action focused and the other is more of a general statement. One provides a clear plan, and the other is left open for a bland future interpretation of success. 3. They Surrounded Themselves with Unwavering Support We were created for community. We crave connection. It is no surprise, then, that statistically those in the study that surrounded themselves with accountability were so much more likely to succeed. When you have people in your corner cheering you on, you will be able to find the strength to push on, even when you feel tired and discouraged. 4. They Used External Stimuli to Boost Their Focus This is an interesting principle, but one that merits exploration. We as humans are visual, auditory creatures that depend on our senses to get us through the day. From vision boards to company slogans plastered across a wall, we like to be reminded of our purpose and intentions. It’s like a rallying cry at a football game, or a benediction offered up before a trying task. We are what we repeatedly remind ourselves of and surround ourselves with. There is a reason top athletes are taught to visualize success as part of mental toughness programs. Doing so has been proven to eliminate distractions and increase the probability of a successful outcome. 5. They Refused to Multitask We are truly better when we focus on one thing at a time. Sure, we may not always fail when we multitask, but we also aren’t overly efficient, either. When it comes to effective goal setting, you can set yourself up for success by carving out time each day to focus only on the activities to achieve your goal. Whether that is losing weight, boosting sales numbers, or learning a new skill, you will find that you level up your life and hit your goals faster when you allow yourself the freedom to truly focus on the task at hand. Effective Goal Setting Will Focus on Three Main Areas of Life Because I believe in work life balance, consider asking yourself: What are your life goals?, What are your relationship goals?, and What are your personal growth goals? These areas of our lives are foundational to what makes us tick. When we nurture them, we grow. When we avoid working on them and tending to them and breathin

 4 Forms of Accountability You Need for Even Greater Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:32

Accountability is more than just a friend that calls you up occasionally to make sure you’re sticking to your weight loss goals. It’s also more than the occasional roundtable discussion with business colleagues checking in how everyone in the group is doing in terms of hitting their quarterly financial goals. True, meaningful accountability serves to prop you up when you feel discouraged, and also propels you to heights you never thought possible. While there are many different types of accountability, both business and personal, these 4 types of accountability are ones you need to place in your life immediately: 1. Character Accountability 2. Time Management Accountability 3. Strategic, Goal-Based Accountability 4. Relationship Accountability Ultimately, accountability is never just a one-time thing that applies to just a single area of life. To find even greater success, you need to be open to being challenged in all areas of your life. We can’t usually see our own blind spots – it takes trusted people in our lives to point them out to us and to provide us the support we need to work through those weak points intentionally. 1. Character Accountability Our character, reputation, and word are the foundation that everything about us is built on. If our work teams can’t trust us to follow through on a promise, or if our clients can’t depend on us to deliver on time, or if our families can’t believe that we will come through for them when they need us, then nothing else really matters. Success in other areas of life is negated if our character isn’t rock-solid. Finding people or a person to hold us to a high standard of integrity in our personal and professional lives is one of the best things we can do to level up how we are currently living life. We all have room for improvement, and it takes others to shine a light on areas we don’t want to see or deal with because we know deep down that it takes a lot of work and discipline to change deeply ingrained character habits. 2. Time Management Accountability How we choose to spend our time can make or break our success. From spending too much time getting lost in social media, to occupying our workdays with excessive meetings instead of focusing on what brings in revenue and makes the most of our skills, time management is a hugely important aspect to prioritize and continually improve. This area of life provides a great opportunity for you to forge relationships with like-minded colleagues that also want to make the most of their productivity and efficiency. Find people you trust and whose work ethics you admire and recruit them to your accountability team, or find an accountability coach. We naturally tend to become like those we spend the most time with, so choose wisely! 3. Strategic, Goal-Based Accountability Entrepreneurs, business owners, freelancers, CEOs – they all have something specific in common: the need to hit achievement-based milestones in order to be considered successful in their jobs or careers. This is why goal setting is an incredibly powerful tool, but it is one that often goes underutilized by high-powered individuals. Setting a measurable, impactful goal is only part of the equation, though. Finding the willpower to take the actionable steps needed to actually achieve that goal is an entirely different thing. It can be emotionally and mentally draining to push forward – often against unforeseen obstacles – especially when doing so alone. Goal-based accountability helps prop you up when you feel discouraged, and reminds you why you set your goal in the first place. Whether you need to hit a financial or marketing target, an accountability partner or coach can help get you and keep you on track for the long haul. 4. Relationship Accountability Sometimes it is good to be reminded of what is most important. It can be easy to lose sight of what matters most when everything else is screaming louder for our attention. Your relationships are what

 4 Time Management Principles to Accelerate Your Results | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:57

Today we are talking about 4 Time Management Principles Guaranteed to Help You Accelerate Your Results. Time management is not just a buzzword that you can throw around but never dig into. It’s also not something you try on for a week or two and become instantly successful at. If you want to truly accelerate your workday efforts and get more done in less time, it will require discipline and humility. The rewards though? They are well worth the sacrifice. In addition to having more mental and physical bandwidth for the people and projects in your life that you truly care about, improving your time management gives you mental space for a renewed passion for your business and increased patience and resilience for the difficult things your workday throws your way. While there are many different principles that you can focus on that will help move you closer to a more productive schedule, these four time management principles are guaranteed to help accelerate your results and boost your productivity. The catch is that they all require intentionality. These principles will not work unless you do, which is both liberating and limiting. However, if you are ready to find freedom and move beyond being a slave to your business and your to-do list, then roll up your sleeves and get ready to dive in. 1. Remove Distractions – Even the Good Ones Perhaps one of the greatest workplace myths is the one that says we can multitask well. We may be multitasking, but the ball is always getting dropped somewhere. Our brains are only hardwired to be able to handle one thing at one time. We are fooled into thinking we are doing multiple things at once, but really our brains are just swapping back and forth at tremendous speeds. Adding more to the already spinning plate just makes it more difficult to gracefully switch to something different when the time comes. Not only that, but it actually takes longer to complete tasks this way. When was the last time you found enjoyment and success while trying to simultaneously eat a waffle and go for a jog? The answer is never – you would never try to overlap those two tasks because of the sheer impracticality of it all. Multitasking in business may appear to be more practical, but don’t be fooled. Dialing in your focus on one thing at a time whenever possible is a truly simple way to see amazing time management and productivity results. 2. Track Your Time and Then Honestly Evaluate How You Spent It In order to truly accelerate your time management efforts, you need to have a solid understanding of where you’re missing the mark. The only way to do this is to be able to honestly evaluate the time you spend each day. This is where time and task tracking comes into play. You could keep a bullet list on a notepad of everything you do and how long you spend doing it, or you could jot down voice notes on your iPhone. Or you can download my complimentary Time Log Sample and help you be even more time efficient, so you are in a higher probability position to achieve your goals, go to: Simple instructions come with the sample document to help you know how to complete the time log for yourself and everyone on your team. How you chart everything you do is irrelevant – just do what is the easiest for you to do consistently. The important thing here is to write down everything. Including the time spent on social media during your commute, or the time you spent checking emails while on the sidelines of a child’s game. Don’t leave out things you are not proud of having spent time on. This process is meant to illuminate areas of your day where time is being wasted instead of intentionally spent, and then finding ways to redeem that lost time moving forward. 3. Find Accountability Partners One of the biggest enemies of progress is our own subconscious self. We are excellent self-saboteurs and are able to talk ourselves out of or into things t

 Interview with Jeff and Jami Downs – Authors of Streaking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:25

Jeff Downs has had had numerous years of executive leadership experience and also has consulted numerous executive teams to achieve consistent sustained transformational results. As a successful entrepreneur and corporate leader, Jeff has worked as a Franklin Covey Business Results Practice Leader with Cisco, Boston Scientific, Comcast, Staples, Siemens, and more. Jeff and Jami have been married for 29 years and have 7 children between the ages of 9 and 25. Jami Downs is a mother, leader, teacher, and passionate volunteer. As the mother of seven children she is an expert in logistics, negotiation, diplomacy, and project management. Jeff and Jami are co-authors of the book, Streaking: The Simple Practice of Conscious, Consistent Actions That Create Life-Changing Results, which was published September 22, 2020. Streaking is a goal-setting practice created by Jeff and Jami, which allows us to transform our best intentions into new, consistent habits to help us meet our goals. Here are some questions I asked Jeff and Jami that you will benefit from by listening to their answers: 1. I’m curious, how did you come up with the concept and name for your book, Steaking? Streaking: The Simple Practice of Conscious, Consistent Actions That Create Life-Changing Results 2. Why did you start Streaking and how has it helped you and others with achieving goals? 3. How is a streak different from a goal, and how do they compliment one another? 4. What are the laws of Streaking? 5. What is a “be statement” and how does a person use a “be statement” to have consistent success? Ask yourself: Who do I want to be? 6. What is the power of consistency in achieving goals? 7. What about Streaking is powerful in setting up the foundation to achieve goals? 8. Why is it important to know the difference between a habit, routine, streak, and a goal? 9. How does a person employ streaks to grow and improve and achieve their goals and reach their full potential? 10. What are the benefits to a person in completing laughably simple streaks daily, weekly or monthly? 11. Give me some examples of what someone would do to bridge the gap between where they are in business and where they imagine they ultimately want to be. 12. How do you suggest people record activities to be completed? 13. Why record that you have completed these activities, how does that help growth and achieving goals? Get their book, Streaking: The Simple Practice of Conscious, Consistent Actions That Create Life-Changing Results and download the Streaking app to help you implement the concept of Streaking, you can have the highest probability of having your ideal business and ideal life. Visit their website by going to Below is a business success resource to help you implement one of the areas we discussed. A “Me File” is simply a place where you keep all the great comments people have said about you, your service, your staff, and your firm. You can keep an electronic document as well as a manila folder with cards or tangible things people have sent you. When you feel your confidence slipping to less than 100% for what you offer, read all the great comments people have said about you over the years to get your confidence cup flowing over again. So many times we disregard all the great comments people share with us and think that “that is my job.” Keeping track of what people send you and what they say about you will help increase your confidence when you need a little more to call prospects, meet with prospects, or just any time you want to feel good about what you do in this world for people. When you look at your “Me File” and read all the great comments people have said about you, how do you feel? To download a simple way to track your glowing comments from clients and people who have worked with you, go to If you are getting value from any of Podcast

 4 Tips for Helping You to Stick To Your Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:18

Today we are talking about 4 Tips for Helping You to Stick To Your Goals, so you have the highest probability of achieving them in the timeframe you desire. We’ve all been there before…we find a goal that inspires us and we commit to doing the work…until life derails us. Whether it was that vacation, your assistant suddenly quits, or death in the family, the truth is life sometimes distracts us from our goals. Dealing with the disruption is one thing, getting back on track can be another. Okay, Let’s get going with the 4 tips to help you stick to your goals so you can get back on track and stay on track. Tip #1: Focus on the Reward - Not the Work Wise sages advise us to “be in the moment,” but let’s face it - you don’t always feel like running that last mile. You’re human; sometimes you lose your motivation in the middle of having to “do the work.” If you’re losing your motivation, switch your focus on the reward. Focus on the good feelings of having accomplished your goal and how much easier it will be the next time because you will have broken through another limiting belief. “We only learn our limits by going beyond them.” ~Unknown Tip #2: The Have-To’s Sometimes Turn into the Want-To’s The work involved with achieving goals can feel like a “have-to” in the beginning, but they often turn into a “want-to” by the end of the process. They become a positive habit - a healthy way of being - while the work part eventually melts away. This happens because it’s not always about the end result - it’s about the person you become as a result of the process. When you learn a new way of living - a way of living that better represents and supports your true potential - things that used to be a “have-to” transform into a “want-to.” “Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you.” ~Charles A. Jaffe Tip #3: It’s Who You Become in the Process The person you woke up as today may not be the same person you wake up as tomorrow - or the day after that - or next week - or ten years from now. While it’s impossible to predict exactly who you’ll be in the future, it’s a safe bet that you will not be the exact same person. Life is a process of constant change and transformation. Each day we learn more about ourselves, which results in greater clarity of our true desires. The path between where we are and where we want to be becomes more clear and focused, creating a deep and focused desire to see the process through. Setting goals - and the work involved with achieving them - is not so much about the end result, as much as a deep, and often indefinable, desire to fulfill our greatest potential. To grow - to expand - to become all that we can be. The person you end up becoming by the end of a journey (the process of goal setting and achieving is most definitely a journey!) is not the same person who started the journey. Achieving goals teaches you that you had what it took to achieve something you maybe weren’t sure you could, in the beginning. The process teaches you that you had more than you thought: more guts, more stamina, more determination, more commitment, more skill. The process shifts your perceptions, increases your self-esteem, confidence, and uplevels your mindset - all of which changes how you feel about the ‘work.’ “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." ~Zig Ziglar Tip #4: Do You Want To Start Over Again? When you realize that each decision could carry a consequence, you can begin to make even better decisions. If you spend energy and time doing the work, it doesn’t take too much “undoing” or “starting again” before you discover you do not want to do something twice or three times if you only have to do it once. We see this time and time again in people who unconsciously (sometimes consciously) sabotage their hard work. They take two steps forward - then three steps back. They go to the gym only to go home and over-indulge in a bowl of ice cre

 3 Steps to Writing an Effective Business Plan that Inspires | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:05

The idea of starting your own business can be exciting and inspiring, but for most small business owners, writing an effective business plan is not considered an exciting part of starting the process; therefore, many choose not to create one or update it on a consistent basis. Traditional business plans can be very dry and uninteresting, so you are about to learn how to create an effective business plan that not only gets you excited, it will inspire you, and others, to take action. The length and details of an effective business plan will be determined by the type of business you’re creating or updating the one you currently have. The key is to create not just another business plan, but an effective business plan that inspires you, and others, to take action. First, let’s get clear on the essential components of an effective business plan: • Executive Summary • Market Analysis • Company Description • Organization & Management • Marketing & Sales Management • Service or Product Line • Funding Request • Financials • Appendix Part 1: Executive Summary The executive summary is the most important component of an effective business plan because it will be the first thing the reader sees. This is where you’ve got to grab the reader’s attention and inspire them to support your vision through your mission statement. Provide a history of your company, its current standing, and future vision. Although the executive summary should be the first component in the business plan layout, it should actually be the last component you create. Once you have completed all other components it will be easier to come back to the executive summary and nicely tie in key points. Part 2: Market Analysis This is your opportunity to shine and highlight your knowledge of the industry. This will also be where you will identify your target market and what you know about them. Take this opportunity to spotlight comprehensive market research and projected profit margins. Part 3: Company Description Keeping it brief, describe how all the elements of your business fit together. This component should include how the nature of your business makes you unique and the primary factors that will make your company a success. Be sure to clarify the marketplace need and how your company is poised for a competitive edge. Part 4: Operation and Management In this component, include your business’s organizational structure, details about ownership, and profiles of your management team, if you have one. This is also where you would include information on the board of directors or advisory board. Outline a plan to keep your staff in place by detailing salaries and benefits. A key factor in this section is to clarify what kind of incentives and bonuses will be provided to keep your staff motivated and employed. Part 5: Marketing and Sales Management Use this section to share your vision for getting and growing your customer/client base - as they will be the lifeblood of your business. Clearly define and explain a comprehensive market strategy that will be flexible to changing market needs. Part 6: Service or Product Line Here is where you will want to focus on the distinct advantage your product or service has over the competition. Emphasize the benefits to customers/clients and why they will be inclined to choose your product over the competition. Also include ideas and visions for future products and services. Be sure to carry your passionate message throughout this section and back it up with concrete data. Part 7: Funding Request A vital component to an effective business plan. Clearly define the amount of funding you are requesting and long-range strategies that could impact your ability to repay the funding. Outline best and worst case scenarios and back up your request with financial statements. Voice your vision and passion and back it up with solid financial sense. Part 8: Financials This is

 Michael Arterberry – Overcoming Adversity and Obstacles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:03

As a teenager, Michael Arterberry was fortunate to receive guidance from positive adult role models who helped him overcome adversities and set high expectations for his future. Grateful for the role these mentors played in his own development, Michael decided to dedicate his professional life to helping people navigate the difficulties of life and launch their future into motion. For more than 25 years, he has been helping teens and adults to use what they have gone through as a catalyst for success rather than an obstacle for failure. In 2008, Michael founded Youth Voices Center, Inc. a non-profit with the mission of helping young people to become active, productive members of society by overcoming their obstacles, their history, stereotypes and even their own self-image and limiting beliefs. Michael is the author of "Be Encouraged: 250 Days of Motivation and Encouragement", a daily motivational book. Here are some questions I asked Michael that you will benefit from by listening to his answers: 1) I have had people talk about how they wanted to achieve a particular goal and they had people (friends, family, and peers) telling them their goals were too big or they should rethink their goals to deflate their desire for their stated goal (unintentionally or maybe intentionally). You have a comment in your book that says: Don't let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of yours. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. Can you elaborate on this please? Michael said: “Don’t let history control your destiny.” 2) At different times in our lives I think we have all felt overwhelmed with something. What do you do suggest we do that can help up when we might be feeling overwhelmed? 3) You have a comment in your book that basically says: Perception is everything and there is a danger in a flawed perception. What exactly do you mean by this and how would we know we have a flawed perception, and then how could we fix it going forward? Michael said: There is danger in low expectations. We have to run after our destiny because as we run for what is in front of us, we escape what's behind us. 4) What are the consequences or challenges of "losing your keys" that you talk about? Michael wrote: "Be the Driver of Your Car" Helping people to take control of their lives and not allow others to control their destiny or journey. We are a product of our thought lives. If we allow our own, personal negative thoughts plus the ones that are projected on us, they become the "driver". Life experience/trauma, if not addressed appropriately, can be the driver. 5) People talk about having affirmations, what do you think about the power of affirmations and what it can do to help us? 6) One of my book titles is Live Life with No Regrets. How do you suggest people work to live their life with no regrets? Michael wrote: No Regrets Helping people to live life with passion, purpose and mission and not to look back and regret the choices or decisions that they have made. Live in the moment. Enjoy what is going on now in your life even while moving towards the goal. 7) What continues to inspire and motivate YOU? What gets you up in the morning? Get Michael’s book, "Be Encouraged: 250 Days of Motivation and Encouragement", by going to to help you to continue to Be Encouraged!!! Short-term thinkers plant gardens…Long-term thinkers plant trees. Eternity minded thinkers plant themselves in the souls of others! ~Michael Arterberry Below is a business success resource to help you implement one of the areas we discussed. A “Me File” is simply a place where you keep all the great comments people have said about you, your service, your staff, and your firm. You can keep an electronic document as well as a manila folder with cards or tangible things people have sent you. When you feel your confidence slipping to less than 100% for what you offer, read all the great comments people have said about

 Happy New Year! Let’s kick some butt in 2021! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:29

“What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.” I think this is a great quote by Vern McLellan. We all have 365 days in a year. The only difference between the successful people and the mediocre is what we do with each day. We spend every second of every day doing something. Are those activities moving you forward or keeping you where you currently are? I just wanted to take a quick moment to say how much I appreciate your business and continued support. It is a pleasure for me to be able to serve entrepreneurs and business professionals like you. I believe that you and I have the ability to have a positive impact on this world. That's why I'm so excited to serve our community. 2020 has been written and I hope our relationship will grow into something even more amazing in 2021. When hard-working, values- and goals-driven people like you and I put our heads together, there's no limit to what we can accomplish. Thank you for your continued support and I hope you let me know how else I can be of service to you in 2021 and beyond. I wish you a very healthy, happy, and profitable new year. Oprah Winfrey said: “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” I welcome your comments and feedback on how I can help you make 2021 your best year ever! If you are getting value from any of Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short rating and review. I would really appreciate it, and love to hear from you and requests for topics you would find of value. Take advantage of all the complimentary business tips and tools by joining the Free Silver Membership on Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel with business success principles ( - Subscribe to my high-value short business tips Blog ( - Connect with me on Facebook ( - Connect with me on Linked-in ( - Connect with me on Pinterest ( - Connect with me on Instagram ( Check out all the great free high-content training web classes, by going to Go to to check out for yourself how I, as your Accountability Coach™, can help you get and stay focused on you highest payoff activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your professional and personal goals, so you can enjoy the kind of business and life you truly want and deserve. As an experienced accountability coach and author of 5 books, I help business professionals make more money, work less, and enjoy even better work life balance. Check out my proven business accelerator resources by going to Get your daily Accountability Minute shot of a single, simple, doable idea, so you can start your day off on the "right foot", subscribe to it based on your country. The Accountability Minute on Amazon's Alexa in the USA: The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Canada: The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Australia: The Accountability Minute on Alexa in UK: Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, and the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

 14 Tips to Help You Maintain Work Life Balance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:21

Maintaining balance when the demands of work and life are pulling you in different directions can be a bit challenging at times. What’s at the heart of finding balance in your life? Peace, happiness, rest, health? The definition of balance is different for everyone: What may be balance to me may not be balance to you; which is why it’s important to get to the heart of what’s uniquely important in your life. Let’s explore the 14 tips to help you maintain work life balance. Choose 1 or 2 of the 14 tips to help you get even better at having work life balance. Tip #1. Identify Your Core Values (what is truly important to you in life) Above all, honoring your core values is vital to maintaining a sense of balance because it directly affects your quality of life. Identify your core values and make the necessary life/work changes that honor them, so you can enjoy the kind of business and life you truly want and deserve. To help you identify your core values, complete my Values Clarification Exercise. To download my complimentary 6-page Values Clarification Exercise to help get you started on defining and getting clarity on your core values, go to 2. Know Your Priorities – and Schedule Them If it’s really important, it must be scheduled. As I often say, honor thy calendar. Work and family are not the only important priorities, so be sure to schedule “you” time where you can to refuel, rejuvenate and tend to your own health and well-being. I believe that in order to stay focused on your high payoff activities and achieve your goals you must schedule everything on your calendar. 3. Establish a Home Office If you struggle with traveling to and from an office away from home, save time and get even more done by establishing a home office. Word of caution: it can be easy to get distracted by personal matters and family members when working from home, so set clear “office hours” where you can focus on work and will not be disturbed. Certainly, working virtually is much more common today than it used to be. 4. Work Remotely 1-2 Days per Week If you work best outdoors or in your favorite peaceful environment, schedule “remote” days where you can head to your favorite destination to brainstorm new business ideas or boost production. Wherever you typically work, find a new place to be remote from your normal work environment and see how much more you get done. 5. Reduce Your Expenses It’s easy to get caught up in all the “doing” of life, only to lose track of how much you have to do to keep up with all the “having.” Look around you and ask, “Do I really want or need that _________?” If it’s a financial burden, and provides little or no fulfillment or return, it’s time to dump or downsize. When you don’t have to keep up with all the “having,” you can reduce the “doing” time and be even more profitable. 6. Raise Your Prices As an entrepreneur, raising your prices is one of the easiest and fastest ways to find more life/work balance. It’s pretty simple; when you’re generating more revenue, you have more of an opportunity to work less. Always make sure the value you provide exceeds the price you are charging (perceived value can be different for different people). Increasing value doesn’t mean adding more work time. There are many ways to increase value without adding your time to the equation. 7. Request a Salary Increase As a business owner, you can always give yourself a raise, assuming there is enough profit in the business. Do the math and make sure the numbers work and give yourself that well-deserved salary increase. 8. Outsource Domestic Chores If domestic chores aren’t your cup of tea – consider delegating them. Unless household chores bring you a sense of pleasure or satisfaction, there is simply no reason to spend your valuable time tending to them. Remember, the name of the game is finding life and work balance. Hiring domestic help is an easy solution to fi

 Wishing You a Very Happy Holiday! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:16

I wanted to take a minute to say Happy Holiday, and thank you for listening to The Accountability Coach Podcast, sharing my podcast with others you think would get value, and for leaving me such great ratings and reviews. I’m wishing you and your family the very happiest of holidays. Continue to let me know how I can be of service to you on your goal achievement journey, so you can enjoy having your ideal business and ideal life. I’m always happy to hear from you. Aim for what you want each and every day! Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day. Thanks for listening. Happy Holiday! If you are getting value from any of Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short rating and review. I would really appreciate it, and love to hear from you and requests for topics you would find of value. Take advantage of all the complimentary business tips and tools by joining the Free Silver Membership on Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel with business success principles ( - Subscribe to my high-value short business tips Blog ( - Connect with me on Facebook ( - Connect with me on Linked-in ( - Connect with me on Pinterest ( - Connect with me on Instagram ( Check out all the great free high-content training web classes, by going to Go to to check out for yourself how I, as your Accountability Coach™, can help you get and stay focused on you highest payoff activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your professional and personal goals, so you can enjoy the kind of business and life you truly want and deserve. As an experienced accountability coach and author of 5 books, I help business professionals make more money, work less, and enjoy even better work life balance. Check out my proven business accelerator resources by going to Get your daily Accountability Minute shot of a single, simple, doable idea, so you can start your day off on the "right foot", subscribe to it based on your country. The Accountability Minute on Amazon's Alexa in the USA: The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Canada: The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Australia: The Accountability Minute on Alexa in UK: Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, and the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

 4 Essentials of a Successful Business Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:43

Does your business plan have holes? Do you even have a business plan? When was the last time you looked at it (last January when you created it)? Many aspects of a business plan are overlooked and that can lead to professional disaster. Before you can build a successful business, you must first learn how to create a solid business plan. Not surprisingly, writing a business plan can be a tedious process. You may be tempted to jump in head first, but it’s important to pinpoint these basic questions before you move forward. Given the adequate preparation and attention a successful business plan needs, your worthwhile investment will build your business on a solid foundation. Now, let’s explore the four essentials of successful business planning. 1. Defined Purpose: Before you can go anywhere, you must first know where you are headed. Ever attempt a cross-country road-trip without a map or GPS? Well, building a business plan without having a vision for the business is much like driving a car without a map or directions. Defining the purpose of your business will give you a starting and ending point - both of which are essential to building a solid business plan. First, define the benefits you are delivering to clients. From there, define how those benefits will change your clients’ lives for the better. What will they specifically be able to do that they weren’t able to do before they purchased your product or service? If you’re not quite sure of the answers, start with these bullet points: • Who will you be selling these items to? Define your ideal client. • What product or service are you providing? What purpose does it provide? • Where you will be selling it from? Catalog? Website? In-Person? Third party? • Why would consumers purchase your product or service? What needs/hole/void does it fill? If you’re specializing in a specific item or service, try to locate accessories or add-on services to market along with the main product. Does it make sense for you to open up a brick and mortar shop or is it more practical to open up shop online? Yes, properly answering these questions can be time consuming, but preparing a successful business plan is essential to setting your business up for success. 2. Detailed Marketing Strategy: No business can survive without an effective marketing strategy. When starting a business, it’s imperative to be aware of exactly how you’re going to locate clients for your business. Unfortunately, this is where most business owners fall short. If you don’t know where to find your customers/clients - you will not know where to find the sales. Whether you’re creating a business plan to attract potential investors or for your own personal records, you need to take the time to craft a carefully detailed marketing strategy. Creating a detailed marketing strategy consists of defining your target market, understanding why they would want to purchase the product or service you are selling, and pinpointing the price they are willing to pay. The good news is that you’ve already done some of the work by pinpointing the product or service you will be providing. In addition, you’ve also pinpointed the benefits of the product/service and how those benefits will improve the lives of your prospects/clients. Now you’re clear on the benefits of your product/service, but where do you find your clients? Start by asking yourself these questions: • Where do your clients shop? Online? In-store? • Are they users of social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Plaxo, and Twitter)? • What do they read? Particular magazines? Newspaper? Online news? • Do they have pre-existing businesses? If so, how can you get your product/service in front of them? 3. Differentiation: A cookie-cutter business will only go so far - and unfortunately, it won’t be very far. Breaking the mold holds the potential of launching your business into success, because when you can fill a hole in the market, you create a nice

 The Only Thing Stopping You from Achieving Your Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:57

Today we are talking about being a Dreamer or a Doer – which is the only thing stopping you from achieving your goals. You set goals, yet you don’t achieve them. Time and time again you find yourself stopping midway between the start and finish lines. You start off running out of the gate, enthused and driven to make a difference this time, but each time, something derails you from sticking to the game plan. Perhaps you convinced yourself that it was lack of time, energy, or resources. You simply didn’t have the time to stick to it or that a 5am run or late night at the gym was the last thing you felt motivated to do. You didn’t have a babysitter…or the money…or the will power. It’s the classic paradox of Dreamer vs. Doer. As you know, my Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule ( philosophy is the basis for my coaching business because excuses are never the real reason you stop short of your goals. No, the real reason is something entirely different. So, what’s the real reason behind all those excuses you make? You are simply not willing to do what it takes to achieve your goals. You just don’t want what you say you want badly enough to actually do what it takes. This is the real reason, and the only thing, stopping you from achieving your goals. Plain and simple. The initial desire of achieving a goal may be enough to kick-start your action plan, but it takes commitment to maintain the motivation to achieve the goal. Commitment is what separates the dreamer from the doer. No matter what the nature of the excuse is the only reason you stop short of achieving your goal is because the desire to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal isn’t strong enough. In other words - you don’t want it bad enough to commit to being a doer. If you’re tired of start-stop goal setting, here are some tips for helping you understand the reasons behind not wanting it bad enough: The Payoff Isn’t High Enough Sometimes the payoff (future benefit) of goal achievement isn’t enough to maintain your motivation in the now. That last mile....that last lap…that last squat… another phone call to a prospect… it can be challenging to find the motivation from the payoff - especially when it isn’t high enough. Your payoff should be so enticing that there is no question in your mind that you are sticking to your game plan. No questions, no excuses. You desire that payoff so deeply that you will to do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. Just being willing to do something doesn’t mean you will actually do it. Flip The Payoff/Pain Coin If you simply cannot find a future payoff worth your commitment or high desire, flip the coin and focus on the current pain of remaining where you are. The reality is that goal achievement isn’t always peaches-and-cream - it isn’t always the easiest thing to do. You can bet that at some point you will have to do what you don’t feel like doing in order to get where you want to go. It is in those crucial moments where you must decide if you desire to remain a dreamer and become a doer. It’s all a matter of distinguishing what motivates you in these crucial moments. Whatever is not motivating you - flip the coin and focus on the contrasting factor. Payoff or Pain? Choose the motivating factor that helps you move from dreamer to doer. Your Current Pain Isn’t Great Enough Perhaps you stop yourself from achieving your goals because your current pain is simply not great enough. The idea of achieving the goal incites your interest, but not your commitment. As Ken Blanchard brilliantly said, “There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” The end result sounds nice, and if you could wave a magic wand without having to do the work, you gladly would; but you’re not so bad off. Here’s how the in


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