Thought Cops: Case File 33 with Mark Whitney of The American Tribune

Thought Cops show

Summary: SATIRE WARNING, because it's another episode of THOUGHT COPS! This week, we're joined by the infamous Mark Whitney, reporter for The American Tribune. He speaks to us briefly about the Naruto Run Around Trump Tower Event we were at, a followup event of similar nature that he's planning, and the state of modern satire in general. You can follow him and his work here. Definitely the most noteworthy interview we've done to date, and a lot of interesting things were discussed, so please take a listen. This episode we also play 4 voicemails we got over the past week. You can leave us a voicemail about the show at 312-788-7361. Make sure to listen past the outtro music this episode. BUT THIS WEEK: a congressman comes out as a furry. Key and Peele of the hit comedy sketch show "Key and Peele" make a new show about punching Nazis. Sean Spicer shows up at the Emmy's and causes a media ruckus. Piers Morgan thinks white people should be able to say the n-word, which really shouldn't surprise anyone. Plus former Google engineer James Damore thinks people want to join the KKK because being a Grand Wizard "sounds pretty cool." This week's episode is brought to you by the word "dotard." As in: "covfefe dotard." LOOK IT UP. All this and more in Episode 33 of THOUGHT COPS!