Thought Cops: Case File 36 with Brett Mercer of Big Time Garbage

Thought Cops show

Summary: Welcome Dad-bods, Mansplainers, and ladies, to another episode of Thought Cops! It’s a crossover episode this week as stand-up comedian and follow podcaster Brett Mercer of Big Time Garbage joins us in the battle for a good Skype connection. Make sure to check em out. “Future Prez” Zuckerberg (yes, president abbreviated with a Z, yes, it is mandatory) saves the planet by speaking directly from the epicenter of the Puerto Rico crisis using a fucking Mii from Wii Sports. Here’s that weird Lindsey Lohan video we mention in the episode: I'd link the original video, but it's been deleted, so, sorry for linking you to The Young Turks. My mistake. Geniuses across the country cause mass temper tantrums trying to get a small box filled with ketchup and teriyaki sauce. What could it be?! You’ll have to listen to find out! Dove fucks up, Hollywood fucks up, lots of people fuck up. But with great fuck ups, come great responsibilities. Or something like that. Don’t forget, you’re part of the show, too! Call us at our voicemail 312-788-7361 with any stories or punishments you want the world to know about, and we’ll play it on the show! Seriously! Also don't forget to subscribe to us on iTunes!