Thought Cops: Case File 50

Thought Cops show

Summary: Welcome to Episode 50 of Thought Cops! I don't know how we got here, but we're here now after almost a year, serving up hot internet justice every week for 50 weeks in a row. Big thanks to everyone who listened, subscribed, commented, left a voicemail, left an email, called in as a guest, shared with a friend, or helped support the show in any way. There's still a lot more to come. The fan base is getting bigger, we're planning more new content, more guests, and it's exciting to see this project of ours continue to grow into its own eclectic community with its own sort of lore. To celebrate 50 episodes, we thought it would be cool to fill the studio with a ton of past guests, crack open a bottle of Malort, and talk over each other for an hour in a half. On this episode we have Deputies Ron, Robbie, Henry, Mark, and newcomer Brian as guests. It might sound like aural murder, but it was a ton of fun to record this one and get everyone together. THE Ken Bone also drops us a voicemail. I'm not kidding, he actually left us a voicemail this episode. Make sure to tweet the hashtag #kenbonegoonthoughtcops at him so we can interview him over Skype. This week, we talk about the Nintendo Labo, comment on The State of the Internet, everyone does a two minutes of hate, everyone does a shot of Malort or a lot more than that and loses count, and then burn Aziz Ansari, the 50th episode's sacrificial lamb. We also take a parody of Ellen's "epic" selfie, and even get Oprah in on the action. Thanks for listening.