Thought Cops: Case File 68 with Dan Bach

Thought Cops show

Summary: Kneel (or stand) before your podcast overlords, it's Thought Cops episode 68! This week, Dan Bach joins us to talk about the hard hitting issues of the week, such as cartoons. Speaking of men in their 30s who are angry about cartoons, did you know you can get sued by your parents for not moving out of the house? CNN investigates: Oh yeah, we also get really into furry political discourse. In times like these, it's always easier to turn to fantasy for relief, such as pansexual reveries in outer space. If I were in space, I'd fuck everything that moves, much like fictional character Lando Calrissian from the hit movie "Star Wars". As always, leave us a review on iTunes and a voicemail at 312-788-7361-- we'll even play that shit on the show. So tell your friends: the Thought Cops are on the beat.