June 11, 2017 — Robbie Graham and Robert Brandstetter

The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio show

Summary: Continuing an ongoing discussion, Gene and Chris present two of the people responsible for a fascinating and insightful book, "UFOs: Reframing the Debate." Featured guests include Robbie Graham, the book's editor, and one of the authors, Robert Brandstetter, known in The Paracast Forums as Burnt State. From the description of the book: "If ever we are to further our understanding of the UFO enigma, we must fundamentally reframe our debate. We must wipe the board clean and fill it with new ideas, new theories, even new language. We must be willing to start from scratch when the field stagnates. We must be critical, sober, and free of dogma—ready to rinse away the residue of our own beliefs."