August 13, 2017 — Tim Beckley, Jerome Clark, Allen Greenfield and Rick Hilberg

The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio show

Summary: With the help of a section called "Saucer Club News" in Ray Palmer's Flying Saucers magazine in the 1950s and 1960s, enterprising young people got together to form their own UFO clubs, or just looked to meet up with others with the same interests. That's where such people as your humble host of The Paracast and such notables as Tim Beckley, Jerome Clark, Allen Greenfield and Rick Hilberg got their starts. In a single virtual room, Gene's old friends will reminisce about their early work in the UFO field. The political and cultural climate, how both may have impacted early research efforts, are also debated. Guest co-host is J. Randall Murphy.