You CAN'T Lose Weight If You're Missing This ONE Thing

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Have you been struggling a lifetime to lose weight and keep it off? Have you ever considered you might be missing something? Well here's the truth: you can't lose weight if you're missing this ONE thing.<br> <br> Yes! It's true. If you are missing this ONE thing then you can't lose weight there's no way around it.<br> <br> If you were playing Monopoly this would be a Do Not Pass Go kind of moment because your brain is like a heat seeking missile pointed directly towards the image you hold of yourself. If you continue to see yourself fat, you cannot lose weight and you definitely won't get to your goal weight and stay there.<br> <br> Your brain takes your Inner Self programming at face value, it does not argue with the unconscious programming you are running 24/7 within your Inner Self.<br> <br> If you're looking for reasons to be offended, do not listen to this episode of The JoLynn Braley Show.<br> <br> If you're looking for more people to blame for your reasons you're not losing weight or more excuses for why you <a href="">can't stop eating</a> then you're not going to like this episode of The JoLynn Braley Show!<br> <br> <br> <br> If you're looking for another quick fix <a href="">weight loss scam</a> to use as an excuse for why you're not losing weight then do not listen to this episode of The JoLynn Braley Show.<br> <br> If you're simply not willing to get REAL with yourself and take full personal responsibility for your results with your weight then click off this page and do not listen to The JoLynn Braley Show at all. This free weight loss podcast has nothing to offer to you if you're looking to be enabled to keep failing.<br> <br> Let's Get REAL: if you're not losing weight then all signs point back to YOU. This is good news! If it weren't you then you'd have no ability to get help to fix it.<br> You Can't Lose Weight If You're Missing This ONE Thing<br> Millions are out there <a href="">right now</a> as you are reading these words asking "Why can't I lose weight?". These are the millions of overweight, obese, and overeating are unable to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">stop binge eating</a>, they are unable to quit emotional eating, and they are feeling super stuck, frustrated, and disappointed in themselves.<br> <br> The good news about this is that you're not alone in your frustrations! You've got millions you can commiserate with, altought I unable to keep their word to themselves.<br> <br> They are lacking <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Inner Self Tools</a> they need to set themselves free of their unhealthy behaviors keeping them stuck in a rut and it's the rut without a lot of hope the leads so many to fall into weight loss scams and quick fixes that can never fix the real problems.<br> <br> When you stop falling prey to quick fix weight loss scams and instead get the right tools to heal your <a href="">Inner Self</a> then your behaviors will change and then.... guess what happens? You'll get new results.<br> <br> You can only get new results by doing something radically new, something you've never ever done before. Heal the root of what drives you to eat the way you do and then you'll finally be free. Then you'll be able to lose weight struggle-free.<br> You Can't Lose Weight If You're Missing This ONE Thing [Podcast #324]<br>