Tell me Strange Things

Devilry show

Summary: In 1926 a strange looking man, with a black cape, black shovel hat, wearing a black cassock with a white collar came bounding out of the reading room of the British Museum of Oxford, cape fluttering behind him. In one hand was a silver doped cane, in another, a black portfolio with the words "VAMPIRE" written in blood red across it. "Monty" a man called after him. The man in black turned, a mischievous grin came across his face. "Yes sir? Tell me strange things..." Photo by Jordan Connor Ian Espinosa "Shadowlands 1 - Horizon", "Shadowlands 2 - Bridge", "Shadowlands 3 - Machine", "Shadowlands 4 - Breath", "Shadowlands 5 - Antechamber", "Shadowlands 6 - The Pit", "Shadowlands 7 - Codex" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0