Fireside Chats, Episode 69: Theological Intrigue

Colin's Last Stand: Fireside Chats show

Summary: I don't know if you've noticed, but I really like talking religion here on Fireside Chats, and today's guest is incredibly well equipped to do just that. Michael Steinmetz is pursuing his PhD in theology, and has a ton of insight into Christianity, and all that entails. Our conversation delves deep into the life and times of Jesus Christ, and right on up 'til today, and challenges believers and non-believers alike to think critically -- and scholarly -- about something many people know to exist, yet cannot prove. If God exists, why doesn't he make himself (or herself!) known? And if I'm a good person, yet don't believe, where does that leave me, in the grand scheme of things? We discuss all of that, and much, much more.