Colin's Last Stand: Fireside Chats show

Colin's Last Stand: Fireside Chats

Summary: Fireside Chats is an eclectic interview podcast that endeavors to expose the world to a litany of unique and interesting people. Each Wednesday, a new episode goes live chatting with a different person about a different subject. If you want each episode a week early and completely ad-free, please consider supporting the show on Patreon at

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 Fireside Chats, Episode 116: Empty Matchbook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:33

I'll let this brief episode do the talking. Thank you for supporting Fireside Chats.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 116: Empty Matchbook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:33

I'll let this brief episode do the talking. Thank you for supporting Fireside Chats.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 115: Wisdom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:25

Here we are, at the penultimate episode of Fireside Chats. Since we're so close to the end, it makes sense that our final proper interview should occur with someone young, someone fiery, someone with a Carpe Diem attitude. Someone, in short, that can inspire you. Mike Bacior is a college graduate, a newly-minted professional, and obsessive about understanding the way things work, how people climb the ladder, and how to ultimately garner success in whatever you do. He's wise beyond his years, and what he has to say may just help calibrate your own work ethic, goals, and direction. Tune in!

 Fireside Chats, Episode 114: Writing A Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:13

For many people, writing a book is a dream, one that goes unfulfilled by plenty of capable would-be authors the world over. But some especially talented and hard-working people are able to make this dream a reality, many on a part-time basis. Today's guest -- Eldar Basic -- recently published a young adult sci-fi book, and he asked to come on Fireside Chats to talk about the experience, particularly from the point-of-view of someone who isn't (yet) making a full-time living as a writer. What does it truly take to put pen to paper and come up with something great? Take a listen, and find out for yourself.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 113: The Strategy Gamer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:40

Today's guest is named Darren MacNally, and Darren has been on a pretty interesting voyage these past few years. One day a little over a decade ago, he fell in love with Creative Assembly's long-running Total War gaming franchise, and even parlayed that passion into a job at the developer for a time. But Darren's true passion is actually in making content surrounding strategy games, not in making the games themselves, and he pursues that passion on YouTube. What makes a creator like Darren tick, and how does someone end up at the studio he or she idolizes only to walk away and try something else? And perhaps above all else: What does it take to make a living being a content creator? What are the trials and tribulations one encounters, how do you make a living, and what's the landscape like for those that may be considering trying to get in today? We've much to discuss.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 112: Massage Therapy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

It might be easy to poke a little fun at massage therapy, what with the easy Happy Ending jokes and all. But in reality, the art of relaxation is a serious endeavor, especially here in the 21st century, as people around the world become more aware of their bodies, and the curative qualities unorthodox treatments bubble to the forefront. Today's guest, David Merlino, is a professional massage therapist. Well, he was, anyway. These days, he primarily plies his trade as an instructor and author, and happens to be the writer of acclaimed study guides that help massage therapists-to-be learn the craft and pass their exams. It's safe to assume he's the man to talk to when it comes to using your hands for a living.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 111: Infertility | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:04

For many married couples, having children is a huge part of The Plan. But what happens when biology doesn't cooperate, and you're left unable to have kids like you counted on? This week's guests -- The Mayberrys -- have special insight into an issue that affects millions of couples the world over. While they were ultimately able to overcome the hurdles in front of them and get pregnant (after many thousands of dollars spent on medical care), the journey wasn't easy. In fact, there were plenty of times when it was downright scary, and endlessly frustrating. Hopefully their story will provide valuable insight into the quiet suffering of men and women who want to have kids but simply cannot, and how every once in a while, tales like these can have a very happy ending.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 110: The Gay Experience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:44

John Shehan is a 24 year old man who first realized he was gay when he was six, but only came out to his friends and family very recently. Today's episode of Fireside Chats is dedicated to his story, and how he found himself after years of self-doubt and anxiety. The outcome of his journey has been undoubtedly positive, yet the road he walked was an emotionally harrowing one. Thankfully, his experience can serve as an uplifting reminder for all of us of staying power and belief.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 109: Space Travel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:51

If you didn't know, I'm obsessed with space and space travel, and obviously, Fireside Chats couldn't possibly end without having someone from the space industry on our show. Let's call today's guest John Doe, an engineer who works at a major American aerospace corporation on projects for NASA (and others), and not surprisingly, he has a lot of interesting stories to tell. What are we doing right this very second to achieve the space travel of our dreams, and what do the near and faraway futures hold for us off of planet Earth, in orbit, or -- if we're lucky -- on the Moon, Mars, and beyond?

 Fireside Chats, Episode 108: The Game Designer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:46

At Boise State University in Idaho, a small group of college students in a program called Games, Interactive Media, and Mobile Technology work quietly on prototypes and projects that could very well be The Next Big Thing in gaming. To represent the school and the program, welcome Nicholai Cascio to Fireside Chats. Cascio is an aspiring game designer eager to talk about the craft, the future of gaming, what he's been working on, and just what it takes to make a game from stem to stern, alongside all of the different disciplines it requires.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 107: American Farming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:33

Virtually every culture in the world has a tradition of agriculture, but America takes it to the next level. In fact, the United States takes farming so seriously that, even in a country of 330 million people, the country exports around $150 billion worth of grown and raised food a year, making it a powerhouse on which many other nations rely. Today's guest, Will Thelander, is an Arizonan farmer that provides incredible perspective on what it's like to be part of America's booming agricultural economy, and what kinds of demands both society and the market place on family operations like his. From buying water and securing seeds to placing your bet on the right crops and navigating complex local, state, and federal politics, American Farming is quite the complicated enterprise, as you're about to find out.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 106: The Comic Creator | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:34

Over the last two and a half decades, the Internet has revolutionized the free market, and not just when it comes to cheap consumer goods. For artists, writers, musicians, and other creative types, the Internet has been nothing short of a life-sustaining miracle, allowing those who want to explore unorthodox business opportunities nearly endless latitude to do so. Heck: Colin's Last Stand is a product of this new economy, and everyone reading this description is that economy's consumer. It's a beautiful thing, and yet none of us 10 years ago would have any idea what this even was. Today's guest -- comic writer Curtis Clow -- is the perfect example of what's possible in this New World. Through sheer will, determination, and hard work, Curtis began publishing crowdfunded comics, a feat that would have been unthinkable a decade ago and impossible any further back than that. His journey has been (and will surely continue to be) an interesting one, and will hopefully inspire even more people to follow his lead and let the creative energies flow.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 105: Sleep Paralysis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:26

Today's guest -- Eric Dominguez -- suffers from an inexplicable ailment that only strikes when he slumbers. The affliction is aptly named Sleep Paralysis, and for thousands of years, it has left people in civilizations around the world and throughout recorded history completely mystified. To those that suffer from it, however, its effects are anything but mysterious. With your mind awake and alert but your body unwilling and unable to move, falling into a bout of sleep paralysis can be a scary (and even sinister) experience. So let's spend an hour or so chatting about it, and make you aware of something you may not have even known existed... or perhaps give words for the very first time to something you experience yourself.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 104: Questioning Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:14:27

A common theme throughout Fireside Chats has been religion. Talking about it, thinking about it, debating it. Today's guest -- Paeter Fransden -- is a knowledgeable, evangelical, friendly, and determined believer in Christ, and out of all of the Christian-themed episodes we've done so far, I (Colin) must readily admit: This one personally made me think about and question my own beliefs the most. Perhaps you'll have a similar experience. Perhaps not. But either way, put on your thinking caps and approach our chat with an open mind. After all, there might be more to this universe than any of us think, and God just might be watching.

 Fireside Chats, Episode 103: Top Chef | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:24:07

Meet Jose Horrach, a New York City-based professional chef with a ton of experience, loads of interesting stories, and a whole lot of insight. Our Fireside Chat, not surprisingly, revolves around cooking, eating, and drinking, but for as fun as shoving food in our faces is, tales from the kitchen can be just as riveting. What is it like working in the cutthroat, under-paid, demanding, and daunting world of professional restaurants? And how can newcomers make their way into the field... if they dare?


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