Emotional Eating: 3 Ways Guilt Fuels Your Emotional Eating

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/weight-loss-discovery-session-jolynn-braley/"></a>In this week's free weight loss podcast discover 3 ways guilt fuels your emotional eating. Eeek!<br> <br> Yes, that's right! Not the number one way, but the number two way to lose weight. This is for you if you are looking for a way to lose weight without giving up your favorite foods and you're ok with slower weight loss.<br> <br> Yep, you won't be able to expect fast fat loss with this method, my #2 best way to lose weight, but it will actually work if you give it time and you follow the instructions explicitly.<br> <br> It won't work if you continue to binge eat or continue to engage in emotional eating, compulsive overeating, or overeating of any kind. So you will need to heal the root of your ongoing eating disorders in order to get the number two best way to lose weight to work for you.<br> 3 Ways Guilt Fuels Your Emotional Eating<br> So that's the caveat of my number two BEST way to lose weight: you cannot have disordered eating habits and expect this to work. The only way you can gain success with my number two best way to lose weight is by using food for fuel.<br> <br> <br> <br> What does eating for fuel mean? It means that you are not:<br> <br> * Using food to cope with day-to day upsets<br> * Using food to "make it all better"<br> * Using food for your FUN in your life<br> * Using food as your "reward" for anything you tell yourself you deserve a "reward" for<br> * Using food to attempt to stuff down your insecurities that come up as soon as the sun goes down<br> * Eating when you're not hungry, a.k.a. binge eating, emotional eating, food addiction, compulsive overeating, stress eating, <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/success-stories/stop-eating-for-boredom/">boredom eating</a>, or any other eating behavior that has nothing to do with honest to goodness physical hunger but is instead motivated by unconscious patterns you are unable to see and heal on your own (HINT: if you'd been able to do that on your own then you wouldn't be reading these words, right? Don't feel bad, 99.9% of the population needs help to truly heal their unhealthy eating behaviors for good and it has nothing to do with their level of intelligence - all of my coaching clients are super smart! It's simply that no one can see what is hidden from their view, which is why coaching is so highly valuable to those who know they deserve to break free and love their life, instead of making food their life...)<br> <br> Click the PLAY button on the player on this page to listen in now and get the deets!<br> <br> What if you really could get it together to lose weight, and keep it off?<br> <br> Is this what you want? Or, do you prefer to lose weight and gain it back again? Hey, some folks only concern themselves with getting to that number on the scale, and afterwards they don't care what happens. If that's you then I gotta tell ya, I don't have anything here for ya.<br> <br> Why? Because successful weight loss means you get to your goal weight and you maintain it for life. The only way you can do this though, is by healing the root of what drives your binge eating, emotional eating, food addictions, or any other eating disorders that are sabotaging your weight loss success.<br> <br> Make sense? After all, how can you expect to maintain your healthiest weight for life when you still struggle with out-of-control eating, right?<br> 3 Ways Guilt Fuels Your Emotional Eating [Podcast #144]<br> Listen in now to free weight loss podcast episode #144 of The JoLynn Braley Show and discover 3 Ways Guilt Fuels Your Emotional Eating<br> <br> If you don't fit any of the 3 ways guilt fuels your emotional eating then you shouldn't be having a problem feeling guilty about any emotional eating you choose to continue with!<br> <br>