Expat Files - 12.09.18

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: #1- Insecticide/Pesticide use in Latin America: How big a problem is it and how does it concern health conscious gringos? There are many ways to measure pesticide use in a country. For example you may read the total tonnage of pesticide use in a country- but total tonnage is NOT a good measure of the concentration/contamination of the “LOCAL” crops that gringos will certainly be munching on.   So today we discuss everything you need to know about Latin crops and contamination…  #2- Sign up for Johnny Mueller’s January 2019 “Expat Insider Seminar” taking place in Central America from Saturday, January 5th through Friday January 11th. See the signup details by visitingwww.TheNewExpat.com and clicking on the Seminar link  #3- Why you should never buy imported food- and why you must read the labels and the stickers: Notice that when in any big, chaotic, central market some fruits and vegetables will NOT have and markings or stickers and some will. What’s that all about?      #4- What about those massive and gigantic fruits and vegetables you see all over Latin America: It’s got to be the chemicals right? Well…..  #5- Did you know that practically every college graduate in Latin America has multiple relatives (mother, father, grandma, grandpa) who are essentially inalfabetizadas (can’t read or write): And that fact greatly influences the upward and lateral mobility of people crappy Latin neighborhoods  #6- Today we have the real local Latin “common man” take on the migrant caravans pushing through Mexico and we discuss the real reasons (not the media driven reasons) most Latins want to get to the states.  #7- GET A COPY OF JOHNNY MUELLER’S- 100 PAGE “LATIN AMERICAN HEALTHCARE REPORT” at this LINK: http://theexpatfiles.com/healthcare/  #8- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a blueprint for your “Plan B” and the best way kick-start your exit plan before getting boots on the ground in Latin America. Check out the free intro video to the course now at www.theexpatfiles.com/academy   #9- Check out my “The Expat Files” You Tube channel. See all the fun slides and photos that go along with each show. There are now more than 150 shows posted on my YouTube channel so have a look.  #10 For more of Johnny’s reports, comments, adventures, news, surprises the famous “Expat Concierge Service” and more, check it all out at: www.thenewexpat.com