Asset Disposition with Robert Branch

CompTIA TechServicesSuccess show

Summary: Network engineer Robert Branch is an expert in asset disposition, and he knows how to ditch hardware. In this episode of Technology Services Success, a podcast by CompTIA’s TLS Community, he talks about three unexpected things to check on when you need to dispose of big machines with Colleen Payne, President, Universal Adaptive Consulting Services, Inc. and TLS executive committee member.“First, find out if it’s related to a grant,” he said. There are on-premise clauses and grant cycles to consider, and maybe even retention language embedded in the original contract.You also need to find ways to ensure the data can’t be pulled from the equipment, when it’s a good idea to get a third party involved and how to double check your own work.Get a deep dive on asset disposal in this episode of Technology Services Success, and stay tuned for the surprising answer Branch gives when talks about what he’d do differently on his career path if he could start over.