030 DevOps From the Frontlines – Lessons Learned

PurePerformance show

Summary: Brett Hofer (@brett_solarch) has been engaged in numerous DevOps Transformation projects mainly for very large enterprises. We got to talk with him on this episode to learn more about how he assesses the status quo when he walks into an organization, what the top blocking items for a successful transformation are and what the best approaches are to implement the recommended changes. Spoiler alert: we talked a lot about IT Ops Automation, building cross functional teams and understanding and defining responsibilities and roles. If you want to learn more about what Brett is doing check out his blogs about DevOps on <a href="https://www.dynatrace.com/blog/author/brett-hofer/" rel="noopener">https://www.dynatrace.com/blog/author/brett-hofer/</a>.