072 Monitoring Minecraft – Why and What to Learn from it with Mike Villiger

PurePerformance show

Summary: Minecraft – the hugely popular sandbox video game – might not be your traditional software to monitor with an APM (Application Performance Management) tool. But Mike Villiger did it anyway in order to learn some advanced concepts in application monitoring such as custom entry points, thread diagnostics, method hotspots or simply to figure out why his mod’ed Minecraft sometimes couldn’t keep up with processing all the changes and skipped cycles. By using Dynatrace – first AppMon now Dynatrace SaaS – he learned more about the internals of Minecraft, how the single threaded architecture calls each mod and why a single mod must not take longer than 50ms to process. Mike gives us insights into which problems he found within Minecraft but more importantly what he takes away for his daily job as a performance advocate and evangelist. If you have any interesting side projects where you use APM tools let us know – there is always something to learn from every project!<br><br><a href="https://minecraft.net/" rel="noopener">https://minecraft.net/</a><br><a href="https://twitter.com/mikevilliger" rel="noopener">https://twitter.com/mikevilliger</a>