073 Understanding Azure Service Fabric with Sravan Rengarajan

PurePerformance show

Summary: Did you know that Azure Service Fabric is used by most of Microsoft’s global high scale services such as Bing, Dynamics or Xbox)? It’s a battle tested distributed systems platform that enables developers to deploy, manage and scale their microservices. In this session we have Sravan Rengarajan, Program Manager at Microsoft Azure, giving us an overview of the key use cases, how Service Fabric started and in which direction it is heading. We also learn how you get your own free local version of Service Fabric and why Service Fabric gets us towards real Serverless computing. Additional information can be found on the Service Fabric GitHub codebase – yeah – its all out there on GitHub!<br><br><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/sravan-rengarajan/" rel="noopener">https://www.linkedin.com/in/sravan-rengarajan/</a> - Sravan on Linkedin<br><a href="http://aka.ms/servicefabricdocs" rel="noopener">http://aka.ms/servicefabricdocs</a> - learn more about Service Fabric<br><a href="http://aka.ms/servicefabricmesh" rel="noopener">http://aka.ms/servicefabricmesh</a> - learn more about Mesh<br><a href="http://aka.ms/tryservicefabric" rel="noopener">http://aka.ms/tryservicefabric</a> - free clusters to party on!<br><a href="https://github.com/microsoft/service-fabric" rel="noopener">https://github.com/microsoft/service-fabric</a> - GitHub codebase