Fireside Chats, Episode 60: Saving the Innocent

Colin's Last Stand: Fireside Chats show

Summary: In the United States -- and around the world -- millions of animals go unloved, uncared for, and discarded. Bryan Finck works on behalf of The Pixel Fund, a Florida-based non-profit that tends to dogs, cats, and other animals that have been abused, abandoned, and put in otherwise awful situations. Through his care, and the care of his colleagues, animals that would have otherwise never found a loving home (or would have outright died or been put down) are living vibrant, happy lives, all thanks to the time and money of volunteers who care for the animals that, in turn, care so much for us. If this Fireside Chat reminds us of anything, it's that there's real pain and suffering in this world that goes well beyond the realm of humanity. Good news, though: We can all do something about it.